Small number of returnees in Kosovo

Kosovo Return Minister Branislav Grbić said that the return numbers in Kosovo are “not even close to acceptable.”

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 03.08.2007.


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Small number of returnees in Kosovo

“The return is a processin which all interested factors, including the Serbian Government and the Kosovo Ministry, need to participate,” Grbić said.
“It is necessary to speed up the solving of issues related to property through legal regulations, in order to create trust and achieve the desired level of return,” Grbić said, adding that the Kosovo Property Agency has about 23,000 cases to get through.

He said that according to statistics from the UNHCR, only 17,000 of the 200,000 refugees who fled Kosovo have returned, 45 percent of which are Serbs.

The ministry secured, for the first time this year, EUR 2mn for community reintegration of returnees, through 45 projects which are expected to be realized shortly.

Among them are the construction of schools and sports facilities in Štrpac and Gračanica, infrastructure in Plementina, and the restoration of 15 homes of returnees in the village of Novo Selo.

Grbić said that one of the greatest successes of his ministry thus far has been the return of 74 Serb families to the village of Babuš near Uroševac.

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