Central bank sells EUR 10mn

The National Bank of Serbia sold on Thursday EUR 10mn at the interbank market to bolster trading and ensure smooth operation of the foreign exchange market.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 19.02.2010.


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The National Bank of Serbia sold on Thursday EUR 10mn at the interbank market to bolster trading and ensure smooth operation of the foreign exchange market. The Thursday indicative exchange rate on the foreign exchange market came to RSD 98.8603 for one euro, the NBS reported. Central bank sells EUR 10mn From the beginning of 2010, NBS has sold EUR 316.5mn at the interbank market, including the latest intervention, in order to prevent excessive daily volatility of the national currency, as well as to ensure smooth operation of the financial market. The Serbian dinar dropped by 0.27 percent compared to the euro, and the official exchange rate amounts to RSD 98.6950 for one euro.

Central bank sells EUR 10mn

From the beginning of 2010, NBS has sold EUR 316.5mn at the interbank market, including the latest intervention, in order to prevent excessive daily volatility of the national currency, as well as to ensure smooth operation of the financial market.

The Serbian dinar dropped by 0.27 percent compared to the euro, and the official exchange rate amounts to RSD 98.6950 for one euro.

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