NYT states: We have a video of an Iranian missile knocking down a Ukrainian aircraft

The New York Times obtains a video showing an Iranian missile striking a Ukrainian plane carrying 176 passengers and crew on board

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 10.01.2020.


NYT states: We have a video of an Iranian missile knocking down a Ukrainian aircraft
Tanjug/AP/Ebrahim Noroozi

NYT states: We have a video of an Iranian missile knocking down a Ukrainian aircraft

A video verified by the New York Times reportedly shows an Iranian missile hitting a plane above Parand.

It is a location near the Tehran airport, where the Ukrainian aircraft stopped transmitting its the signal before it crashed.

A small explosion occurred but the plane did not explode. The jet continued flying for several minutes, and then turned back towards the airport, NYT reports.

A burning plane, which had lost signal by then, flew towards the airport ablaze, before it exploded and crashed quickly, the NYT video showed.

Visual and sonic clues in the footage also matched flight path information and satelite imagery of the are where the plane crashed.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said last night that he had received information from various intelligence sources that the Ukrainian "Boeing 737", most of which were Canadian citizens, had been shot down by Iranians.

“We have intelligence from multiple sources – including our allies and our own intelligence: the evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile,” Trudeau said. “This may well have been unintentional.”

Tehran denied the allegations, and the Iranian Foreign Ministry called on Canada to share the information it possesses.

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