Đelić: Commission prepares fine for Delta

Deputy PM Božidar Đelić says the Competition Commission was preparing to make a move over Delta's market position.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 24.11.2007.


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Deputy PM Bozidar Djelic says the Competition Commission was preparing to make a move over Delta's market position. Delta Holding, Serbia's leading retailer, owned by Miroslav Miskovic, allegedly has a monopoly position in the market. Djelic: Commission prepares fine for Delta Now the Commission is preparing an explanation and a proposal to fine the company over its suspected "favored position on the market". "The Commission is expected to write the explanation for the fine, which will be between three and ten percent of the company's total income in the previous year, if it had violated the law." "After that, the proposal will be reviewed by a judge who will impose the fine," Djelic told reporters on the parliament Friday. He said that Delta and other similar cases "helped observe that there were some shortcomings in the Competition Act." Djelic announced that he would therefore propose amendments to the Act in order to enable the Commission to impose fines itself. "We wish to ensure, through amendments, that the Commission impose the fines in the first instance and a legal remedy must always be available, via the Supreme Court," Djelic said. Bozidar Djelic in parliament (FoNet)

Đelić: Commission prepares fine for Delta

Now the Commission is preparing an explanation and a proposal to fine the company over its suspected "favored position on the market".

"The Commission is expected to write the explanation for the fine, which will be between three and ten percent of the company's total income in the previous year, if it had violated the law."

"After that, the proposal will be reviewed by a judge who will impose the fine," Đelić told reporters on the parliament Friday.

He said that Delta and other similar cases "helped observe that there were some shortcomings in the Competition Act."

Đelić announced that he would therefore propose amendments to the Act in order to enable the Commission to impose fines itself.

"We wish to ensure, through amendments, that the Commission impose the fines in the first instance and a legal remedy must always be available, via the Supreme Court," Đelić said.

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