Former Bosnian Serb Army member found guilty of genocide

A court in Bosnia-Herzegovina has found a former member of the Bosnian Serb Army (VRS) guilty of genocide in Srebrenica.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 31.03.2017.


Former Bosnian Serb Army member found guilty of genocide

Former Bosnian Serb Army member found guilty of genocide

Second-accused Marko Milosevic has been acquitted due to lack of evidence, media in Bosnia-Herzegovina are reporting.

The prosecution called 70 witnesses and presented seven findings and opinions of experts in a bid to prove that Stanisic and Milosevic - the former commander of the 6th Battalion of the VRS Zvornik Brigade and his deputy - took part in the crime committed at the Petkovci dam, when around 1,000 Bosniak men and boys were executed.

The defense denied that the accused committed genocide, calling 39 witness and two experts to the stand.

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