Vučić from Brussels: Pristina is arming itself, what should our reaction be? VIDEO

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić speaks from Brussels after meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 19.07.2023.


Vučić from Brussels: Pristina is arming itself, what should our reaction be? VIDEO

Vučić from Brussels: Pristina is arming itself, what should our reaction be? VIDEO

Vučić said after the meeting that he asked NATO to implement its role. He adds that he submitted all the evidence in writing about what was done to the Serbs since Kurti came to power.

He added that KFOR is the only institution in Kosovo that is doing anything to ease tensions.

"We showed videos footage containing evidence that the Serbs who were detained were not guilty of anything. We asked that NATO take control and protect the Serbs," he said.

“We need cooperation with KFOR and NATO,” Vucic said. He added that he requested a more significant role for KFOR in easing tensions.

"I am afraid that we are not on a path that would guarantee us safety and security, I hope that our request will bear fruit. I am sure that they do not want the Serbs to be expelled from their centuries-old hearths," said Vučić.

"According to Resolution 1244, the KLA or anything resembling it or representing continuity in relation to the KLA cannot exist in Kosovo and Metohija," said Vučić and recalled that Kurti said that "the police are a continuation of the KLA".

Vučić pointed to the fact that Pristina is arming itself.

"What do you expect from us as a reaction? Do you think that there are no people in the Serbian Army and in the leadership of Serbia who know what dangers are lurking? We know what the dangers are because someone is behaving illegally and irresponsibly. We are fully prepared for all surprises and the citizens of Serbia should not worry," he said. Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are guarded by three things, said Vučić: "Unity, struggle and courage of our people, the state of Serbia and International Public Law."

He says that he asked for a more active role of KFOR in calming tensions.

"NATO can reason with Kurti, we'll see if it wants to," said Vučić.

Commenting on the statement of Dragan Sormaz, who asked Stoltenberg to be harsh towards him, the president says that Sormaz says that the report to Congress improved compared to the one from two months ago, but that it is not good because America recognized the so-called Kosovo.

"I am fighting for Serbia and that is why it was important for me to inform Stoltenberg about everything," said Vučić.

He says that Pristina wants Kosovo and Metohija without Serbs and to implement Enver Hoxha's policy.

"Of course I'm worried. Tomorrow starts a normal day for everyone, it's not a normal day for me," he said.

He says he will beg the Serbs who were released from custody in Kosovo and Metohija to stay in the southern Serbian province. At the end of his address, Vučić had a message for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija.

"May our people stick together, endless thanks to them for preserving their Serbian identity in Kosovo and Metohija and the state of Serbia will always be with them," he said.

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