"Free, at last"; Photo published: He was the last one to come out

Afghanistan has now finally become free, said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid after the last U.S. plane left Kabul.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 31.08.2021.


Tanjug/AP Photo/Khwaja Tawfiq Sediqi

"Free, at last"; Photo published: He was the last one to come out

Earlier, the commander of the U.S. Central Command, Kenneth McKenzie, announced that the last American military plane left Kabul, which ended the longest American war, which lasted a little less than 20 years.

A spokesman for the Taliban's political office in Qatar, Mohammad Naim, also congratulated the citizens of Afghanistan on ending the foreign military presence in the country, reports TASS.

"Congratulations to all our people, to all our fighters. Today, all foreign forces have left our holy land," he said on Twitter.

Thousands of locals in Kandahar have come out today to celebrate the completion of US military withdrawal from Afghanistan.

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