Greek defense minister visits Serbia

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic met on Thursday with Greek Minister for National Defense Panos Kammenos.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 25.05.2017.


Greek defense minister visits Serbia

Greek defense minister visits Serbia

Vucic and Kammenos "stressed their determination that Serbia and Greece, relying on the traditional friendly relations, strengthen political dialogue and expand cooperation in all areas."

Vucic "pointed out that Serbia highly appreciates Greece's support to Serbia's European path and its consistent position not to recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo."

They spoke about the current situation in the region, expressing concern for the stability of the Western Balkans, "but also emphasizing its commitment that peace and cooperation be priorities of the regional policy of Serbia and Greece."

Vucic and Kammenos "exchanged views on the global security challenges, notably on the need for joint fight against terrorism, as well as cutting the channels of financing of terrorist organizations."

On Wednesday, Kammenos was received by his Serbian counterpart Zoran Djordjevic. The two ministers "confirmed traditionally friendly relations between the two countries and their determination to further improve cooperation in the area of defense," the MoD said.

Kammenos stressed that Greece's support to Serbia is "unequivocal."

"Relations between our two countries are more than excellent, and it is up to us to use this to the full extent in order to also improve bilateral military cooperation," the Greek minister said.

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