Kosovo police are waiting for an order to withdraw from the north

The decision to withdraw police officers from the north of Kosovo and Metohija will be carried out by order of the authorities, the Kosovo police told RTV 21.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Wednesday, 12.07.2023.


Kosovo police are waiting for an order to withdraw from the north

Kosovo police are waiting for an order to withdraw from the north

The police state that they will stick to the defined plan for easing the situation in the north.

The police state that "they have a sufficient number of people to ensure the safety of citizens in the north and to monitor the situation along the crossing with Serbia at the same time."

The government of the so-called Kosovo announced last night that it is ready to contribute to the de-escalation of the situation in the north, by immediately reducing the presence of the police in and around municipal buildings by 25 percent.

"The police, together with EULEX and KFOR, will assess the security situation as necessary, especially the possibility of further reducing the presence of the police in and around municipal buildings," the government said in a statement.

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