“Half-way Kosovo resolution possible”

NATO and EU circles are reportedly worried over a paralysis in the Kosovo status settlement process.

Izvor: Beta

Sunday, 08.07.2007.


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“Half-way Kosovo resolution possible”

Nonetheless, such a resolution would create terms to transition into the next phase of Kosovo’s status settlement.

Even though no one has publicly stated this, circles in Brussels believe it is possible to adopt a solution according to which the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) could transfer new authorities to Kosovo institutions in regards to public order and legislation, and leave the province after the transitional phase ended.  The EU could later "dislocate” its Kosovo mission from the province.

“The issue of Kosovo’s legal status would be shelved for the time being,” the newspaper wrote, adding that this version of the settlement lacked wider support along with other possible scenarios that currently circulate in the EU.

“If we send our mission to Kosovo without Kosovo’s statehood having been recognized beforehand, I am afraid our presence there would not be welcome,” the newspaper quoted an unnamed EU diplomat.

In the meantime, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) Veterans Association issued a statement in which it demands that the Priština negotiating team reject further delays in the status settlement and refuse a new round of talks with Belgrade, warning that otherwise the association would act as “KLA soldiers.”

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