Soviet missile that Serbs used to down US "stealth" plane

As part of the activities marking Remembrance Day for the victims of <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">NATO's 1999 aggression</a>, an S-125 Neva missile system was installed in Belgrade.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 24.03.2017.


Soviet missile that Serbs used to down US

Soviet missile that Serbs used to down US "stealth" plane

Attending the event outside the Military Museum on Thursday, Ministry of Defense State Secretary Nenad Neric said this exhibit was meant to symbolize the lives of all those who are no longer with us.

"It is not easy to remember the difficult moments and to open old wounds, because there are those that never heal - as well as those moments that cannot possibly be forgotten. We honor the killed soldiers, police officers and civilians as a silent witness to the tragic events," Neric said, according to the MoD.

By installing the missile system, "our heritage is made richer by a future cultural good that our own and foreign public will be able to see," he said.

The ceremony was attended by MoD and Serbian Army (VS) representatives, as well as by the members of the unit, the 3rd Battalion of the 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade of the Yugoslav Army (VS), who shot down the F-117 on March 27, 1999.

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