Cabinet deal after Easter break

Outgoing Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica says a cabinet deal will likely be struck after the Easter holidays.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 07.04.2007.


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Cabinet deal after Easter break

In an interview with the Večernje Novosti daily, Koštunica said that the issue of Kosovo called for a new cabinet, bearing in mind that Serbia’s new Consstitution also required amended legislation to round off state institutions.

More than two months have passed since the parliamentary elections, with Serbia still between governments, with the prospect of fresh elections looming large.

However, Vojislav Koštunica, who is very likely to attain premiership, said Serbia would soon have its new government.

“Under any other circumstances, this issue would be less severe. But, right now, a new government is a must,” Koštunica said, adding that his party, the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) was taking a constructive approach to the subject.

“I would like to stress the importance of a functioning cabinet coalition and partnership where there is no room for competing and haggling,” Koštunica argued.

“The outgoing government is a good example of a well-functioning government where sensible decisions were sought out through joint efforts and understanding,” Koštunica remarked.

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