IMF "satisfied with Serbia's 2015 budget"

The mission of the IMF "welcomed the adoption of the Serbian budget for 2015," Resident Representative of the IMF in Belgrade Daehaeng Kim has stated.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 30.12.2014.


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IMF "satisfied with Serbia's 2015 budget"

"The adopted budget is in keeping with the agreement reached by the Serbian government and IMF in November concerning the economic program that could be backed by a 36-month stand-by precautionary arrangement," he said.

Kim noted that the Serbian authorities are also working to implement other measures agreed on with the IMF mission that would help Serbia conduct a reform of its economy.

The IMF management and Executive Board will decide on the arrangement during the session scheduled for the second half of February 2015, Kim said as released by the IMF's Belgrade Office.

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