Russian UN draft on Ukraine criticized

A Russian draft resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and a humanitarian corridor met with criticism from the West, AFP reported.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 03.06.2014.


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Russian UN draft on Ukraine criticized

Russia submitted the document at the start of its presidency of the council "as Western powers want to enforce humanitarian corridors in Syria - a prospect blocked by Russia."

The draft calls for an immediate end of hostilities and appeals on those taking part in the fighting to commit themselves to a sustainable ceasefire. The document also calls for creation of humanitarian corridors so that civilians could safely leave the area of hostilities, and to enable humanitarian supplies.

The U.S. State Department said it was "hypocritical" given that Russia was doing "nothing" to stop Russian-backed separatists from attacking new targets and holding OSCE monitors hostage, AFP said.

British ambassador Mark Lyall Grant told reporters after the closed consultations that there was "little support for the text of the resolution as it stands."

"No one is under food shortages, there's no besieging of cities so it's not quite clear what the scale or crisis is that would justify humanitarian corridors," he said.

Moscow has four times vetoed Western resolutions on Syria, and Lithuanian Ambassador Raimonda Murmokaite told reporters, "Certainly, after resistance to any sensible action on humanitarian issues in Syria, to propose something on Ukraine is a little bit ironic to say the least."

"We don't need a draft resolution. The only thing they can do is basically disown the rebels, stop supplies, stop financing, disassociate with them completely and I think the issues will be solved within a very short period of time," she added.

Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin said the resolution had received "some positive support" but that Moscow had not yet decided its next move in terms of working on the text. He also "refused to draw parallels with Syria, saying that Russia was traditionally opposed to chapter seven resolutions but would support a local agreement on humanitarian corridors in Syria."

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