Brnabic as new moment in Serbia's old balancing act

<a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">Ana Brnabic</a> will be in charge of the economy and Ivica Dacic of politics - the situation is new, but the attempt to balance between Russia and the West is old.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 23.06.2017.


Brnabic as new moment in Serbia's old balancing act
(Screen capture)

Brnabic as new moment in Serbia's old balancing act

Serwer believes this will continue until Serbia joins the EU, and explains in the same way the fate of the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center in southern Serbia, which US officials see as a potential problem, VOA said.

Speaking at a panel organized in the German Marshall Fund in Washington, Serwer said the center "is a problem" and added that he "does not believe" it is "completely civilian."

"It seems to me that it falls under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I do not believe that it agrees with EU membership, and the Europeans will raise this issue before the Americans do," he said.

He believes that Serbia, "if it could enter the EU today, would have to renounce the Russian center".

Nevertheless, the EU is struggling with its own problems and seems increasingly distant to the Balkan countries. That is why the United States should rely on something else, Serwer believes.

"NATO membership is now crucial. But the problem is that it is blocked by internal problems: Macedonia has a name dispute, Kosovo does not have an army, there are disputes about ownership of military facilities and similar problems in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia has not decided to join NATO, nor will it," he observed.

"If the US government wants to do something in the Balkans, it has to solve these problems that are not technical, but essential," Serwer added.

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