Albania cancels visas for Serbian nationals

Serbian citizens will no longer need visas to travel to Albania.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 07.08.2007.


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Albania cancels visas for Serbian nationals

Over the last several years, Albania had a visa regime that gave Serbian citizens the ability to enter the country without visas only during the summer months.

Albania reaffirms support for Kosovo independence

Albania's new president Bamir Topi on Monday reaffirmed his country's stand on Kosovo, saying Albania supports Kosovo's independence from Serbia.

"All Albanians are keeping the same stand as the Kosovo people in regard to its final status, and fully support its independence, " Topi told his Kosovo counterpart Fatmir Sejdiu who is vacationing in Albania.

Topi said he believed Kosovo's final status would be resolved as soon as possible, while Sejdiu said the "independence of Kosovo and its territorial integrity are not negotiable."

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