Tuesday, 07.08.2007.


Albania cancels visas for Serbian nationals

Serbian citizens will no longer need visas to travel to Albania.

Izvor: Beta

Albania cancels visas for Serbian nationals IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina

I was in Tirana 2 years ago and spent some quality time there, people were really nice. Most of them told me they would love to visit Belgrade. Yes, I did need a visa back then. But now, this is a very good move by Albanian government, it would be great if Serbs discovered Albanian coast!:) Thumbs up.


Hamid Karzai

pre 16 godina

There are bussines opportunities beetwen Albania and Serbia.They are major wheat producers in the region and we are big vegetable producers.Serbia has lost its traditional trading markets in Ballkans and they will look for others.It is not that easy to find markets.Once Serbs will come to Albania they will enjoye the veriety Albania has to offer and they will keep coming.For us Albanians is not a big problem going there since we don't prejudice anybody


pre 16 godina

To Shqiptar:
Well I care a lot to go to Serbia. Not only I have my girlfriend there, but I alwas wanted to visit Belgrade. Visiting and enjoying places is the only way to know better the reality and to free ourself from prejudices. Even you are the one to call some of the membres of this forum as "branch of Serbs that have unfounded prejudices" and most propably they are, you are still doing the same in your contribution to the forum. Anyway I really would like to see more serbs in Tirana and more of us going there. I am sure that this is the only way to peace between us because only when you know you will be able to love.


pre 16 godina

To Cvele, Jovan, Branko, Peter, GSP, Kate
Don't be so agitated. Nobody invited you in Albania and nobody there is willing to see a branch of Serbs that have unfounded prejudices. I don't wish to believe that you represent the Serb mentality bacause this would mean that Serbia is at dark ages. Somebody here was speaking of Serb businessmen coming to to Albania to make investments. I don't think that this would be the case even in long run, for the simple reason that the Serb business cannot enter the Albanian market because it is not competitive, nor can it exploit the scale economy. In fact, the economoc ties of Albania with the region of Balkans are less 5 per cent of its overall volume and the main countries are Croatia and Macedonia. On the other hand I don't think that the abolition of visas with Serbia will affect much the economy. And Albanians citizens don't bother at all if Serbia will lift the visas for them, even that Serbia will be constrain from EU to take such a move, rather soon. But who cares to come to Serbia.

Hamid Karzai

pre 16 godina

Lifting visa requirement is the right decision that Albanian goverment has made.Serbs will be able to be in the country for short visits,since we are close. This might change any negative immage that unfairly Albanians have in Serbia.They will see that Albania has modernised a lot and might be things to be learn.We hope Serbian goverment will follow the suite.

Hamid Karzai

pre 16 godina

It might seem unimportant at present, but in a near future a lot of Serbs will find it they were wrong. I expect that a lot of Serbs will come for businies opportunities.Albanian market is becaming as big as Serbian market.Italy is much more develloped country and some Italians are coming to Albania for bussinies or vacation.So Serbs will propably do the same.They will be not more wellcomed in Croatia and a lot of them will find Greece expensive,.I don't expect long lines to come here, but surely some will


pre 16 godina

This is great news!! Now my girlfriend from Belgrade does not need a visa to come and visit me. I am so happy. I love her so much and wish that Serbian Government lift visas for Albanians as well. I think there is much to see and learn in both countries beside women in bikini!!!!!


pre 16 godina

LAZER: B92 is neither fair nor balanced. Many euphemisms that I use are redacted like hundreds of documents at the Milosevic trial including thousands of words of Wesley Clark. B92 seems to want to inure their blog to their overseas sponsors and Albanian posters. My comments are of political nature since I know that realpolitik of NATO nations, the goal of securing or improving one's own interests caused the demise of Yugoslavia. I have no reason to hate Albanian people. I despise political leaders who lie. You don’t believe in weapons of mass destruction I hope? I have translated many documents for Albanians from Pristina and witnessed many Power of Attorneys free of charge. I met an Albanian grandmother from Pristina whose children are intermarried with Serbs and Serbian Muslims she is 90 years old and sharp as a tack She loves for me to come over and like all the mothers and grandmothers from the Balkans that I met on my travels through Yugoslavia she is hospitable beyond words. We are more alike than you think Lazer.

I choose my friends by their character not their ethnicity. I dislike what some Albanians, Serbs, Serb Muslims and Croats did and continue to do when the world is uniting ,and I am perplexed how some that post here are poorly informed about the Balkan agenda of NATO. Their evidence is meager, unsubstantiated, without any scholarly research and tantamount to a child saying, nah, nah my mother can beat up your father. Just because people have a different point of view does not mean that they are inflamed with hate. Maybe they just do better research than you. I constantly read inflammatory statements from Serbian Albanians but I am sure that they don’t hate me. How the hell can any of them hate me when they don’t even know me?

When I refer to certain groups as “littler Eichmanns” a term used in North America to describe those who know the effect of their government policies that they put into practice and without even a question they do it even though they know it will lead to thousands of innocent people dying. In the post to you I cited several examples where millions of pensioners in America and Canada lost their life savings due to Enron and Barik Gold type market manipulation. I called Wall Street the theft capital of the world or some such thing where insiders control and manipulate the stock market to take money from the ignorant. The unwary investor is made to believe - by a press owned by the very people who are part of the Wall Street scam. This same press used the same tactics in this case yellow journalism to destabilize Yugoslavia and then the same people used the press to demonize the Serbs to justify their fraud.

Since you are in love with Wall Street I thought I would provide a few examples of fraud. Another Hedge Fund Manager Pleads Guilty, $357M Fannie Mae Fund to Be Distributed by SEC, Managers at Mutual Benefits Corp. Pleaded Guilty, Ebbers Conviction Upheld Fraud in the News, Wachovia to pay $25 mln over research conflicts, Lincoln Financial Advisors Stockbroker Fraud, Former CyberCare Executives Fined for SEC violations, Stock Market Manipulation, Micro Cap Fraud, Junk Fax Investment Fraud, International Management Associates Hedge Fund Fraud and NFL Players Scammed By Hedge Fund Fraud just to name a few.

I am not offended by you saying that Albanian and Serbian women are beautiful, what offended me is your comment “If you want I'll send you some photos”. Women are exploited mercilessly throughout the world. Your braggadocio exemplifies this abuse even though you said it to Zoran, I think as a tongue in cheek comment. I read this comment as an innuendo for smut. Whose pictures would you send, a friend a girlfriend or some exploited young woman who shared the pictures with you in a moment of indiscretion not knowing that her privacy would be compromised. I was hoping that you would apologize for this comment not the fact that B92 redacted my post, they need to apologize for that.


pre 16 godina

i would like to edit my first post i thought they had banned Serbs from entering but i was enlighten by friend from Kosovo who informed me that no visas are required. So that means that Albanians want Serbs to come visit Albania, easier to get there than Greece you need a visa. Not very expensive, the beaches are a little crowded but not very expensive and not the women on the Beach do not wear burqas and yes they are very good looking and i mean no disrespect either.


pre 16 godina

sorry that your post was DELETED. I mean it.
When I say that Serbian or Albanian women look great in bikinis is 'cause I mean it!
Balkan has beautiful people, men as well.
Being a man, my interest is towards women, regardless of their ethnicity. I was only giving a compliment to 50% of Serbian population. I have quite a few friends from Serbia, aside politics, they live in the USA and are not inflamed with hatred.
I, surely appriciate B92, for being FAIR and Balanced when it comes to moderating this blog space. Since we are all kinds of people with all kinds of ideas.
Keep up the good work B92.



pre 16 godina

B92 why do you print chauvinist degrading material about women? You have done this in several recent posts and now you do it again by printing this from lazer. He writes “Zoki, Albanian women also look great in bikini's. If you want I'll send you some photos. Albanian women like Serbian women are someone’s mother’s sisters and daughters and for centuries they have washed the feet of men. There is nothing wrong in saying that women are beautiful since all women are beautiful and just as smart as any man and should be treated with respect. This is the 21st century women are partners with right not sex objects of braggarts. On your web page you show an abused woman and in the blog you allow an attitude of insensitivity towards women in some of the comments. I am surprised that Kate and other women did not object. Attitude like this leads to exploitation of women a very serious problem in Kosovo and elsewhere in the world.

On another note my comments to lazer about Wall Street was not published. Why? Not a single word was offensive or abusive, somewhat sarcastic about his “I am watching you from the space station!” odyssey but he asked for it?


pre 16 godina

# is this a comedy show or what? =)

a "greek" recommending to go to Albania? there are certainly some other nice places, where Serbs would rather go, and Greece is one ot them...
(Jovan, 7. August 2007 19:01)

The comedy show is seeing people like you who think any writer who actually likes or agrees with an Albanian is one.

First of all why is this article in the Kosova section??? What does Albania have to do with Kosova?

The cost of a vacation isn't as high as in EU. The coastline has been modernized and the hotels are great. For tourist you will always have 24hr electricity, and internet and all the commodities.

Albania is a great place to stay. Once Kosova gets independence (the only way to privatize all ex-yugo stuff) Brezenica will be a great tourist hub, I was just recently at Peja, the Rugovë Mountains (very amazing). I see a potential in Kosovar Tourism.


pre 16 godina

Tani, thank you for your invitation. However I will have to take a rain check. I am stuck in the States because of family problems/work and won't be in the Area (Serbia/Europe) until June 2008, but hopefully sooner, Peace!


pre 16 godina

Zoki, Albanian women also look great in bikini's.
If you want I'll send you some photos.

Walter*, lets not brag about investment portfolios. Usually people who have money, DO NOT TALK about money. I dont tink that you are financialy savy. If you know that well, take a look how many foreign companies are buying serbian companies that are in dire straights.
Happen to live in a city where there is a place called WALL STREET and NYSE and NASDAQ and DOW JONES.


pre 16 godina

"Serbian women in Burqas?"
you must be kidding. Never thought of that, I'm gonna have to try.
Walter, in Serbia and all over Former Yugoslavia, all is being sold to foreign or domestic investors with money. Your Milosevic created such a mess, what is the solution?
Didnt he try to sell Trepcha to a Greek consortium of businesmen?
As far as Albania, you probably were in some place on the outskirts of the border line. Its like going across Serbian-Bulgarian border. Have you seen anything different then in Albania?
And Walter, dont worry about me. I am well of and I am watching you from the space station!
And laughing at your remarks.


pre 16 godina

On the other hand they know that only few of you can afford vacations in Greece because you are poor country like the rest of the Balkans.
(Hermon, 7. August 2007 22:51)

After Croatia Serbia has highest GDP in this region Hermon.And for your information hundreds of thousands of Serbs go to Greece every summer.And i will be more then happy to spend my euros there.On the other hand i don't know one single person (Serb or not)who has any wish to visit Albania and its "beautiful" coastline.By the way,you have that "beautiful" coastline,beaches,etc. since 1912,right?Then why are you still the poorest country in Europe ,without electricity almost whole day in 21st century?


pre 16 godina

I’d love to go to Albania, although the idea does make me just a little nervous. Their coast is probably an incredibly good investment at this time as well if done in a safe manner.

Many of the Serbs I know started going to Turkey for vacation when Montenegro switched to the Euro.


pre 16 godina

LAZER writes “Albania has a beautiful coast line and a lot of foreign investment is going into the country.” I wouldn’t brag if I were you Lazer. NATO got rid of Milosevic because he was oposed to selling off infrastructure and public property as ordered by the IMF and the World Bank. What Lazer and the public who suports this doesn't understand and what B92 and other media in Belgrade and Tirana is not explaining is that the private operations of public infrastructure, recreational resources and utilities represents the highest tax on the common people you can possibly have because those who purchase this publiuc property will run up the user fees they charge sky high and people like Lazer will not be financially to enter some of the facilities that this investment is building. People like Lazer will be lookiung from the outside in or serving me if I decide to come and enjoy the beaches because my foreign investment portfolio is doing well thank you. Simple law of guns versus butter more guns less butter and vice versa. Foreign investmnt works the same way the more in my stock portfolio the less butter on the Albanian and Serbian table These contracts and the sell off which Lazer calls investment are binding on the whole community and the common peopole have no democratic alternative but to pay and they will pay much more than they would have if they continued as owners.


pre 16 godina

I really dont think the first 2 comments were racist.

They were simply mocking the 'open visa' concept
since Albania is a country they'd rather not spend
their hard earned money in. I think most people would rather visit Prague, Greece or Italy.


pre 16 godina

Oh my goodness Im sitting here and pulling my hair about having to cancell my holiday to "wonderfull Albania". Oh well I will now have to choose a second rate holiday destination like maybe the French Riviera.

Thats a shame since I really like serbian women in bikinis. One thing I have to admit they are gorgeous.
(lazer, 7. August 2007 18:40)

Realy now lazer, so how do the Albanian women look like in Bikinis?

Maybe we can get the serbian women in Burqas, you might find that even more appealing


pre 16 godina

On a recent trip to Corfu on a walking and hiking holiday two from are group decided to go to Albania . They were only interested in having their passport stamped so several of us went. MarIe Thomas, the country is beautiful from a distance but once inside is a different story. Cops with submachine guns are everywhere, smell of diesel almost knocks you over and beggars abound and you know Marle we could not wait to get out. Mind you I have not been impressed with cleanliness of some railway and bus station toilets in some parts of Yugoslavia. Maybe we should have stayed longer and looked for those places that you write about. We did not see them.


pre 16 godina

Well guess since they cancel the visas for Serbs then i guess that is there choice. Can't make them let Serbs in to visit or to do business. Again there choice. I guess they can go to montenegro or Crotia for vacation. Albania has the right to ban whoever. But don't be surprised if the favor is return.


pre 16 godina

Yeah i don't I have never heard anyone say "you know i have always wanted to visit albania" :) Sorry it simply does not sounding appealing.Am I a racist because of this No.Like the first fe posts said people are moving out of albania to Kosovo to escape that tells me something.I would rather go to Crna Gora,Corfu or Hrvatska even but NOT albania.


pre 16 godina

o B-92 STAFF:
Please excercise your anti-defamation policy and censure Cvele, Peter and GSP. They are making the rest of us Serbs look like Neanderthals.
Their comments are only meant to provoke the Albanian posters. I thought that B-92 was supposed to be fair and impartial!
(mARKO M., 7. August 2007 17:49)

hey mARKO,
it´s nice of you, but wouldn´t it be better to ask the other Neanderthal´s to finally condemn the burning of centuries-old cultural heritage, the beating of old serbian women?

they didn´t condemn it even one single time, although I asked them to do so...
but they stayed quiet ( and have shown their level of humanity )

so, the serbian comment-writers are nothing in comparison with those albanian pro-independence fanatics.

please, keep that in mind.


pre 16 godina

You are more than WELLCOME!

Marle Thomas
You are an Albanian now,!!!! acording to Peter,GSP and specially "JOVAN" the only people to say good things about the Albanians are Albanians themself.

Anyway I'm going there on the 14th.
Zoran you are invited

"Albanian team" now you can see that the majority of Serbs
do not even want to consider anything Albanian

"ok I better stop comenting"


pre 16 godina

@ Jovan,
A greek recommends Albania because he/she realised that same as you they have been poisoned by propaganda when it comes to Albania.
On the other hand they know that only few of you can afford vacations in Greece because you are poor country like the rest of the Balkans.


pre 16 godina

Wow...there's a surprise...Albania supports independence for Kosovo. Albania supports any issue that is a direct opposite to Serbia's position. Why doesn't Albania support the independence of all the non-Albanians in southern Albania ?
(VMRO, 7. August 2007 19:50)

If you are able to fill a stadium of 30-40 thousand seats with them, I as an Albanian will be the first one to support their independence.

ahmet isufi

pre 16 godina

It is so ironik how some of the serbs here act and the best part is thet we have a coastline but serbia is left with part of Danube river, and that is all if they can improvise some beaches. Look who is making fun of Albanians, I am having a field day Cvele.


pre 16 godina

Wow...there's a surprise...Albania supports independence for Kosovo. Albania supports any issue that is a direct opposite to Serbia's position. Why doesn't Albania support the independence of all the non-Albanians in southern Albania ?


pre 16 godina

is this a comedy show or what? =)

a "greek" recommending to go to Albania? there are certainly some other nice places, where Serbs would rather go, and Greece is one ot them...


pre 16 godina

Albania is a legitimate country (unlike Kosova) and I see nothing wrong with this move on Albania's part. I would love to visit Tirane, sit down with Albanians, have a few shots of sljivovica, and talk politics/religion etc. Assuming that I could feel safe from attack.


pre 16 godina

It's good to have open borders with your neighbors. Why shouldn't regular people go and enjoy the beaches in Albania and vice versa, Albanians enjoy places in Serbia. It's a good step for the future. Once the status is resolved and Kosovo independent, both peoples should be friendly to one another.


pre 16 godina

This has nothing to do with Kosovo. Anybody can find out why is this happening.
Lets not compare apples and oranges. Albania has a beautiful coast line and a lot of foreign investment is going into the country.
What would happened if Montenegro cancels the visas to Serbian citizens.
I just wonder where would they go on holiday since they hardley have any lakes.
Thats a shame since I really like serbian women in bikinis. One thing I have to admit they are gorgeous.


pre 16 godina

To B-92 STAFF:
Please excercise your anti-defamation policy and censure Cvele, Peter and GSP. They are making the rest of us Serbs look like Neanderthals.
Their comments are only meant to provoke the Albanian posters. I thought that B-92 was supposed to be fair and impartial!


pre 16 godina

You Cvele, really see a conspiracy everywhere.

Why don't you suggest instead that Serbia does the same thing? Not that any Albanian is actually dying to visit Belgrade but just as a sign of a good motive. I guess you and others like you are incapable of dealing with any albanian form of existence, but that's your problem.

MarIe Thomas

pre 16 godina

Please think before you speak. I realize that many Serbs have a negative conditioned response when it involves anything to do with Albania or Albanians. Being a Greek I understand your feelings since we also have been similarly conditioned.
However, I was required to go to Albania on business and found the country and the people wonderful. The people that I met were kind, friendly and very hospitable.

In short I would like to recommend that Serbs travel to Albania for their holidays since it is much easier to enter than the EU countries, especially for Serbs. Also, since the Serbian dinar is so weak, you will find Albania very affordable if you do not choose first class accomidations. The beaches are beautiful and the food is great. Hotels are very clean and the staff are very helpful. I guarentee you will enjoy Albania.



pre 16 godina

This is basically albania admiting the only way they will be able to keep in touch with the relatives in Kosovo, once Serbia gets control back, will be through no visa's with Belgrade. Probably Bush told them this.

Aleksandër Gjoni

pre 16 godina

I'm surprised by the racist comments from the first two posters. I expect that B92 will remove these comments, at least for the sake of its numerous Albanian readers and posters. We highly appreciate the space and the opportunity you provide to us for sharing our opinions with the posters from the Serbian camp, however, racist comments in public forums are completely unacceptable in the civilized societies!


pre 16 godina

You don't have to use harshly words, you alla know that, whith or without visas you are not welcomed to Albanian territories (Albania, Kosova, west macedonia etc.) since you were allways rtying to occupy them, while we bravery survived in our territories. You finally lost every occupied coast side (Montenegro was the last one), and you can just dream the sea and its beautiful panoramas.


pre 16 godina

All politics. Who would want to go to albania?? Look at all of the invaders in KosovO - the albanians don't even want to STAY in albania - please, this is just ridiculous!


pre 16 godina

Wow,i just thought to suggest my girlfriend that we cancel our holliday on Corfu in Greece and go to this new,gorgeous "paradise"-Albania!Thanks,but not thanks


pre 16 godina

Wow,i just thought to suggest my girlfriend that we cancel our holliday on Corfu in Greece and go to this new,gorgeous "paradise"-Albania!Thanks,but not thanks

MarIe Thomas

pre 16 godina

Please think before you speak. I realize that many Serbs have a negative conditioned response when it involves anything to do with Albania or Albanians. Being a Greek I understand your feelings since we also have been similarly conditioned.
However, I was required to go to Albania on business and found the country and the people wonderful. The people that I met were kind, friendly and very hospitable.

In short I would like to recommend that Serbs travel to Albania for their holidays since it is much easier to enter than the EU countries, especially for Serbs. Also, since the Serbian dinar is so weak, you will find Albania very affordable if you do not choose first class accomidations. The beaches are beautiful and the food is great. Hotels are very clean and the staff are very helpful. I guarentee you will enjoy Albania.



pre 16 godina

All politics. Who would want to go to albania?? Look at all of the invaders in KosovO - the albanians don't even want to STAY in albania - please, this is just ridiculous!


pre 16 godina

This is basically albania admiting the only way they will be able to keep in touch with the relatives in Kosovo, once Serbia gets control back, will be through no visa's with Belgrade. Probably Bush told them this.


pre 16 godina

Wow...there's a surprise...Albania supports independence for Kosovo. Albania supports any issue that is a direct opposite to Serbia's position. Why doesn't Albania support the independence of all the non-Albanians in southern Albania ?


pre 16 godina

You don't have to use harshly words, you alla know that, whith or without visas you are not welcomed to Albanian territories (Albania, Kosova, west macedonia etc.) since you were allways rtying to occupy them, while we bravery survived in our territories. You finally lost every occupied coast side (Montenegro was the last one), and you can just dream the sea and its beautiful panoramas.

Aleksandër Gjoni

pre 16 godina

I'm surprised by the racist comments from the first two posters. I expect that B92 will remove these comments, at least for the sake of its numerous Albanian readers and posters. We highly appreciate the space and the opportunity you provide to us for sharing our opinions with the posters from the Serbian camp, however, racist comments in public forums are completely unacceptable in the civilized societies!


pre 16 godina

is this a comedy show or what? =)

a "greek" recommending to go to Albania? there are certainly some other nice places, where Serbs would rather go, and Greece is one ot them...


pre 16 godina

To B-92 STAFF:
Please excercise your anti-defamation policy and censure Cvele, Peter and GSP. They are making the rest of us Serbs look like Neanderthals.
Their comments are only meant to provoke the Albanian posters. I thought that B-92 was supposed to be fair and impartial!


pre 16 godina

On the other hand they know that only few of you can afford vacations in Greece because you are poor country like the rest of the Balkans.
(Hermon, 7. August 2007 22:51)

After Croatia Serbia has highest GDP in this region Hermon.And for your information hundreds of thousands of Serbs go to Greece every summer.And i will be more then happy to spend my euros there.On the other hand i don't know one single person (Serb or not)who has any wish to visit Albania and its "beautiful" coastline.By the way,you have that "beautiful" coastline,beaches,etc. since 1912,right?Then why are you still the poorest country in Europe ,without electricity almost whole day in 21st century?


pre 16 godina

Albania is a legitimate country (unlike Kosova) and I see nothing wrong with this move on Albania's part. I would love to visit Tirane, sit down with Albanians, have a few shots of sljivovica, and talk politics/religion etc. Assuming that I could feel safe from attack.


pre 16 godina

Wow...there's a surprise...Albania supports independence for Kosovo. Albania supports any issue that is a direct opposite to Serbia's position. Why doesn't Albania support the independence of all the non-Albanians in southern Albania ?
(VMRO, 7. August 2007 19:50)

If you are able to fill a stadium of 30-40 thousand seats with them, I as an Albanian will be the first one to support their independence.


pre 16 godina

You Cvele, really see a conspiracy everywhere.

Why don't you suggest instead that Serbia does the same thing? Not that any Albanian is actually dying to visit Belgrade but just as a sign of a good motive. I guess you and others like you are incapable of dealing with any albanian form of existence, but that's your problem.


pre 16 godina

It's good to have open borders with your neighbors. Why shouldn't regular people go and enjoy the beaches in Albania and vice versa, Albanians enjoy places in Serbia. It's a good step for the future. Once the status is resolved and Kosovo independent, both peoples should be friendly to one another.


pre 16 godina

o B-92 STAFF:
Please excercise your anti-defamation policy and censure Cvele, Peter and GSP. They are making the rest of us Serbs look like Neanderthals.
Their comments are only meant to provoke the Albanian posters. I thought that B-92 was supposed to be fair and impartial!
(mARKO M., 7. August 2007 17:49)

hey mARKO,
it´s nice of you, but wouldn´t it be better to ask the other Neanderthal´s to finally condemn the burning of centuries-old cultural heritage, the beating of old serbian women?

they didn´t condemn it even one single time, although I asked them to do so...
but they stayed quiet ( and have shown their level of humanity )

so, the serbian comment-writers are nothing in comparison with those albanian pro-independence fanatics.

please, keep that in mind.


pre 16 godina

On a recent trip to Corfu on a walking and hiking holiday two from are group decided to go to Albania . They were only interested in having their passport stamped so several of us went. MarIe Thomas, the country is beautiful from a distance but once inside is a different story. Cops with submachine guns are everywhere, smell of diesel almost knocks you over and beggars abound and you know Marle we could not wait to get out. Mind you I have not been impressed with cleanliness of some railway and bus station toilets in some parts of Yugoslavia. Maybe we should have stayed longer and looked for those places that you write about. We did not see them.


pre 16 godina

This has nothing to do with Kosovo. Anybody can find out why is this happening.
Lets not compare apples and oranges. Albania has a beautiful coast line and a lot of foreign investment is going into the country.
What would happened if Montenegro cancels the visas to Serbian citizens.
I just wonder where would they go on holiday since they hardley have any lakes.
Thats a shame since I really like serbian women in bikinis. One thing I have to admit they are gorgeous.

ahmet isufi

pre 16 godina

It is so ironik how some of the serbs here act and the best part is thet we have a coastline but serbia is left with part of Danube river, and that is all if they can improvise some beaches. Look who is making fun of Albanians, I am having a field day Cvele.


pre 16 godina

Well guess since they cancel the visas for Serbs then i guess that is there choice. Can't make them let Serbs in to visit or to do business. Again there choice. I guess they can go to montenegro or Crotia for vacation. Albania has the right to ban whoever. But don't be surprised if the favor is return.


pre 16 godina

LAZER writes “Albania has a beautiful coast line and a lot of foreign investment is going into the country.” I wouldn’t brag if I were you Lazer. NATO got rid of Milosevic because he was oposed to selling off infrastructure and public property as ordered by the IMF and the World Bank. What Lazer and the public who suports this doesn't understand and what B92 and other media in Belgrade and Tirana is not explaining is that the private operations of public infrastructure, recreational resources and utilities represents the highest tax on the common people you can possibly have because those who purchase this publiuc property will run up the user fees they charge sky high and people like Lazer will not be financially to enter some of the facilities that this investment is building. People like Lazer will be lookiung from the outside in or serving me if I decide to come and enjoy the beaches because my foreign investment portfolio is doing well thank you. Simple law of guns versus butter more guns less butter and vice versa. Foreign investmnt works the same way the more in my stock portfolio the less butter on the Albanian and Serbian table These contracts and the sell off which Lazer calls investment are binding on the whole community and the common peopole have no democratic alternative but to pay and they will pay much more than they would have if they continued as owners.


pre 16 godina

I’d love to go to Albania, although the idea does make me just a little nervous. Their coast is probably an incredibly good investment at this time as well if done in a safe manner.

Many of the Serbs I know started going to Turkey for vacation when Montenegro switched to the Euro.


pre 16 godina

@ Jovan,
A greek recommends Albania because he/she realised that same as you they have been poisoned by propaganda when it comes to Albania.
On the other hand they know that only few of you can afford vacations in Greece because you are poor country like the rest of the Balkans.


pre 16 godina

You are more than WELLCOME!

Marle Thomas
You are an Albanian now,!!!! acording to Peter,GSP and specially "JOVAN" the only people to say good things about the Albanians are Albanians themself.

Anyway I'm going there on the 14th.
Zoran you are invited

"Albanian team" now you can see that the majority of Serbs
do not even want to consider anything Albanian

"ok I better stop comenting"


pre 16 godina

I really dont think the first 2 comments were racist.

They were simply mocking the 'open visa' concept
since Albania is a country they'd rather not spend
their hard earned money in. I think most people would rather visit Prague, Greece or Italy.


pre 16 godina

sorry that your post was DELETED. I mean it.
When I say that Serbian or Albanian women look great in bikinis is 'cause I mean it!
Balkan has beautiful people, men as well.
Being a man, my interest is towards women, regardless of their ethnicity. I was only giving a compliment to 50% of Serbian population. I have quite a few friends from Serbia, aside politics, they live in the USA and are not inflamed with hatred.
I, surely appriciate B92, for being FAIR and Balanced when it comes to moderating this blog space. Since we are all kinds of people with all kinds of ideas.
Keep up the good work B92.



pre 16 godina

To Cvele, Jovan, Branko, Peter, GSP, Kate
Don't be so agitated. Nobody invited you in Albania and nobody there is willing to see a branch of Serbs that have unfounded prejudices. I don't wish to believe that you represent the Serb mentality bacause this would mean that Serbia is at dark ages. Somebody here was speaking of Serb businessmen coming to to Albania to make investments. I don't think that this would be the case even in long run, for the simple reason that the Serb business cannot enter the Albanian market because it is not competitive, nor can it exploit the scale economy. In fact, the economoc ties of Albania with the region of Balkans are less 5 per cent of its overall volume and the main countries are Croatia and Macedonia. On the other hand I don't think that the abolition of visas with Serbia will affect much the economy. And Albanians citizens don't bother at all if Serbia will lift the visas for them, even that Serbia will be constrain from EU to take such a move, rather soon. But who cares to come to Serbia.


pre 16 godina

Yeah i don't I have never heard anyone say "you know i have always wanted to visit albania" :) Sorry it simply does not sounding appealing.Am I a racist because of this No.Like the first fe posts said people are moving out of albania to Kosovo to escape that tells me something.I would rather go to Crna Gora,Corfu or Hrvatska even but NOT albania.


pre 16 godina

Oh my goodness Im sitting here and pulling my hair about having to cancell my holiday to "wonderfull Albania". Oh well I will now have to choose a second rate holiday destination like maybe the French Riviera.

Thats a shame since I really like serbian women in bikinis. One thing I have to admit they are gorgeous.
(lazer, 7. August 2007 18:40)

Realy now lazer, so how do the Albanian women look like in Bikinis?

Maybe we can get the serbian women in Burqas, you might find that even more appealing


pre 16 godina

"Serbian women in Burqas?"
you must be kidding. Never thought of that, I'm gonna have to try.
Walter, in Serbia and all over Former Yugoslavia, all is being sold to foreign or domestic investors with money. Your Milosevic created such a mess, what is the solution?
Didnt he try to sell Trepcha to a Greek consortium of businesmen?
As far as Albania, you probably were in some place on the outskirts of the border line. Its like going across Serbian-Bulgarian border. Have you seen anything different then in Albania?
And Walter, dont worry about me. I am well of and I am watching you from the space station!
And laughing at your remarks.


pre 16 godina

Tani, thank you for your invitation. However I will have to take a rain check. I am stuck in the States because of family problems/work and won't be in the Area (Serbia/Europe) until June 2008, but hopefully sooner, Peace!


pre 16 godina

# is this a comedy show or what? =)

a "greek" recommending to go to Albania? there are certainly some other nice places, where Serbs would rather go, and Greece is one ot them...
(Jovan, 7. August 2007 19:01)

The comedy show is seeing people like you who think any writer who actually likes or agrees with an Albanian is one.

First of all why is this article in the Kosova section??? What does Albania have to do with Kosova?

The cost of a vacation isn't as high as in EU. The coastline has been modernized and the hotels are great. For tourist you will always have 24hr electricity, and internet and all the commodities.

Albania is a great place to stay. Once Kosova gets independence (the only way to privatize all ex-yugo stuff) Brezenica will be a great tourist hub, I was just recently at Peja, the Rugovë Mountains (very amazing). I see a potential in Kosovar Tourism.


pre 16 godina

i would like to edit my first post i thought they had banned Serbs from entering but i was enlighten by friend from Kosovo who informed me that no visas are required. So that means that Albanians want Serbs to come visit Albania, easier to get there than Greece you need a visa. Not very expensive, the beaches are a little crowded but not very expensive and not the women on the Beach do not wear burqas and yes they are very good looking and i mean no disrespect either.


pre 16 godina

LAZER: B92 is neither fair nor balanced. Many euphemisms that I use are redacted like hundreds of documents at the Milosevic trial including thousands of words of Wesley Clark. B92 seems to want to inure their blog to their overseas sponsors and Albanian posters. My comments are of political nature since I know that realpolitik of NATO nations, the goal of securing or improving one's own interests caused the demise of Yugoslavia. I have no reason to hate Albanian people. I despise political leaders who lie. You don’t believe in weapons of mass destruction I hope? I have translated many documents for Albanians from Pristina and witnessed many Power of Attorneys free of charge. I met an Albanian grandmother from Pristina whose children are intermarried with Serbs and Serbian Muslims she is 90 years old and sharp as a tack She loves for me to come over and like all the mothers and grandmothers from the Balkans that I met on my travels through Yugoslavia she is hospitable beyond words. We are more alike than you think Lazer.

I choose my friends by their character not their ethnicity. I dislike what some Albanians, Serbs, Serb Muslims and Croats did and continue to do when the world is uniting ,and I am perplexed how some that post here are poorly informed about the Balkan agenda of NATO. Their evidence is meager, unsubstantiated, without any scholarly research and tantamount to a child saying, nah, nah my mother can beat up your father. Just because people have a different point of view does not mean that they are inflamed with hate. Maybe they just do better research than you. I constantly read inflammatory statements from Serbian Albanians but I am sure that they don’t hate me. How the hell can any of them hate me when they don’t even know me?

When I refer to certain groups as “littler Eichmanns” a term used in North America to describe those who know the effect of their government policies that they put into practice and without even a question they do it even though they know it will lead to thousands of innocent people dying. In the post to you I cited several examples where millions of pensioners in America and Canada lost their life savings due to Enron and Barik Gold type market manipulation. I called Wall Street the theft capital of the world or some such thing where insiders control and manipulate the stock market to take money from the ignorant. The unwary investor is made to believe - by a press owned by the very people who are part of the Wall Street scam. This same press used the same tactics in this case yellow journalism to destabilize Yugoslavia and then the same people used the press to demonize the Serbs to justify their fraud.

Since you are in love with Wall Street I thought I would provide a few examples of fraud. Another Hedge Fund Manager Pleads Guilty, $357M Fannie Mae Fund to Be Distributed by SEC, Managers at Mutual Benefits Corp. Pleaded Guilty, Ebbers Conviction Upheld Fraud in the News, Wachovia to pay $25 mln over research conflicts, Lincoln Financial Advisors Stockbroker Fraud, Former CyberCare Executives Fined for SEC violations, Stock Market Manipulation, Micro Cap Fraud, Junk Fax Investment Fraud, International Management Associates Hedge Fund Fraud and NFL Players Scammed By Hedge Fund Fraud just to name a few.

I am not offended by you saying that Albanian and Serbian women are beautiful, what offended me is your comment “If you want I'll send you some photos”. Women are exploited mercilessly throughout the world. Your braggadocio exemplifies this abuse even though you said it to Zoran, I think as a tongue in cheek comment. I read this comment as an innuendo for smut. Whose pictures would you send, a friend a girlfriend or some exploited young woman who shared the pictures with you in a moment of indiscretion not knowing that her privacy would be compromised. I was hoping that you would apologize for this comment not the fact that B92 redacted my post, they need to apologize for that.


pre 16 godina

I was in Tirana 2 years ago and spent some quality time there, people were really nice. Most of them told me they would love to visit Belgrade. Yes, I did need a visa back then. But now, this is a very good move by Albanian government, it would be great if Serbs discovered Albanian coast!:) Thumbs up.



pre 16 godina

Zoki, Albanian women also look great in bikini's.
If you want I'll send you some photos.

Walter*, lets not brag about investment portfolios. Usually people who have money, DO NOT TALK about money. I dont tink that you are financialy savy. If you know that well, take a look how many foreign companies are buying serbian companies that are in dire straights.
Happen to live in a city where there is a place called WALL STREET and NYSE and NASDAQ and DOW JONES.


pre 16 godina

B92 why do you print chauvinist degrading material about women? You have done this in several recent posts and now you do it again by printing this from lazer. He writes “Zoki, Albanian women also look great in bikini's. If you want I'll send you some photos. Albanian women like Serbian women are someone’s mother’s sisters and daughters and for centuries they have washed the feet of men. There is nothing wrong in saying that women are beautiful since all women are beautiful and just as smart as any man and should be treated with respect. This is the 21st century women are partners with right not sex objects of braggarts. On your web page you show an abused woman and in the blog you allow an attitude of insensitivity towards women in some of the comments. I am surprised that Kate and other women did not object. Attitude like this leads to exploitation of women a very serious problem in Kosovo and elsewhere in the world.

On another note my comments to lazer about Wall Street was not published. Why? Not a single word was offensive or abusive, somewhat sarcastic about his “I am watching you from the space station!” odyssey but he asked for it?


pre 16 godina

This is great news!! Now my girlfriend from Belgrade does not need a visa to come and visit me. I am so happy. I love her so much and wish that Serbian Government lift visas for Albanians as well. I think there is much to see and learn in both countries beside women in bikini!!!!!

Hamid Karzai

pre 16 godina

It might seem unimportant at present, but in a near future a lot of Serbs will find it they were wrong. I expect that a lot of Serbs will come for businies opportunities.Albanian market is becaming as big as Serbian market.Italy is much more develloped country and some Italians are coming to Albania for bussinies or vacation.So Serbs will propably do the same.They will be not more wellcomed in Croatia and a lot of them will find Greece expensive,.I don't expect long lines to come here, but surely some will

Hamid Karzai

pre 16 godina

Lifting visa requirement is the right decision that Albanian goverment has made.Serbs will be able to be in the country for short visits,since we are close. This might change any negative immage that unfairly Albanians have in Serbia.They will see that Albania has modernised a lot and might be things to be learn.We hope Serbian goverment will follow the suite.


pre 16 godina

To Shqiptar:
Well I care a lot to go to Serbia. Not only I have my girlfriend there, but I alwas wanted to visit Belgrade. Visiting and enjoying places is the only way to know better the reality and to free ourself from prejudices. Even you are the one to call some of the membres of this forum as "branch of Serbs that have unfounded prejudices" and most propably they are, you are still doing the same in your contribution to the forum. Anyway I really would like to see more serbs in Tirana and more of us going there. I am sure that this is the only way to peace between us because only when you know you will be able to love.

Hamid Karzai

pre 16 godina

There are bussines opportunities beetwen Albania and Serbia.They are major wheat producers in the region and we are big vegetable producers.Serbia has lost its traditional trading markets in Ballkans and they will look for others.It is not that easy to find markets.Once Serbs will come to Albania they will enjoye the veriety Albania has to offer and they will keep coming.For us Albanians is not a big problem going there since we don't prejudice anybody


pre 16 godina

All politics. Who would want to go to albania?? Look at all of the invaders in KosovO - the albanians don't even want to STAY in albania - please, this is just ridiculous!


pre 16 godina

Wow,i just thought to suggest my girlfriend that we cancel our holliday on Corfu in Greece and go to this new,gorgeous "paradise"-Albania!Thanks,but not thanks

Aleksandër Gjoni

pre 16 godina

I'm surprised by the racist comments from the first two posters. I expect that B92 will remove these comments, at least for the sake of its numerous Albanian readers and posters. We highly appreciate the space and the opportunity you provide to us for sharing our opinions with the posters from the Serbian camp, however, racist comments in public forums are completely unacceptable in the civilized societies!


pre 16 godina

You don't have to use harshly words, you alla know that, whith or without visas you are not welcomed to Albanian territories (Albania, Kosova, west macedonia etc.) since you were allways rtying to occupy them, while we bravery survived in our territories. You finally lost every occupied coast side (Montenegro was the last one), and you can just dream the sea and its beautiful panoramas.


pre 16 godina

To B-92 STAFF:
Please excercise your anti-defamation policy and censure Cvele, Peter and GSP. They are making the rest of us Serbs look like Neanderthals.
Their comments are only meant to provoke the Albanian posters. I thought that B-92 was supposed to be fair and impartial!

MarIe Thomas

pre 16 godina

Please think before you speak. I realize that many Serbs have a negative conditioned response when it involves anything to do with Albania or Albanians. Being a Greek I understand your feelings since we also have been similarly conditioned.
However, I was required to go to Albania on business and found the country and the people wonderful. The people that I met were kind, friendly and very hospitable.

In short I would like to recommend that Serbs travel to Albania for their holidays since it is much easier to enter than the EU countries, especially for Serbs. Also, since the Serbian dinar is so weak, you will find Albania very affordable if you do not choose first class accomidations. The beaches are beautiful and the food is great. Hotels are very clean and the staff are very helpful. I guarentee you will enjoy Albania.



pre 16 godina

This has nothing to do with Kosovo. Anybody can find out why is this happening.
Lets not compare apples and oranges. Albania has a beautiful coast line and a lot of foreign investment is going into the country.
What would happened if Montenegro cancels the visas to Serbian citizens.
I just wonder where would they go on holiday since they hardley have any lakes.
Thats a shame since I really like serbian women in bikinis. One thing I have to admit they are gorgeous.


pre 16 godina

This is basically albania admiting the only way they will be able to keep in touch with the relatives in Kosovo, once Serbia gets control back, will be through no visa's with Belgrade. Probably Bush told them this.

ahmet isufi

pre 16 godina

It is so ironik how some of the serbs here act and the best part is thet we have a coastline but serbia is left with part of Danube river, and that is all if they can improvise some beaches. Look who is making fun of Albanians, I am having a field day Cvele.


pre 16 godina

It's good to have open borders with your neighbors. Why shouldn't regular people go and enjoy the beaches in Albania and vice versa, Albanians enjoy places in Serbia. It's a good step for the future. Once the status is resolved and Kosovo independent, both peoples should be friendly to one another.


pre 16 godina

Wow...there's a surprise...Albania supports independence for Kosovo. Albania supports any issue that is a direct opposite to Serbia's position. Why doesn't Albania support the independence of all the non-Albanians in southern Albania ?


pre 16 godina

You Cvele, really see a conspiracy everywhere.

Why don't you suggest instead that Serbia does the same thing? Not that any Albanian is actually dying to visit Belgrade but just as a sign of a good motive. I guess you and others like you are incapable of dealing with any albanian form of existence, but that's your problem.


pre 16 godina

is this a comedy show or what? =)

a "greek" recommending to go to Albania? there are certainly some other nice places, where Serbs would rather go, and Greece is one ot them...


pre 16 godina

Albania is a legitimate country (unlike Kosova) and I see nothing wrong with this move on Albania's part. I would love to visit Tirane, sit down with Albanians, have a few shots of sljivovica, and talk politics/religion etc. Assuming that I could feel safe from attack.


pre 16 godina

# is this a comedy show or what? =)

a "greek" recommending to go to Albania? there are certainly some other nice places, where Serbs would rather go, and Greece is one ot them...
(Jovan, 7. August 2007 19:01)

The comedy show is seeing people like you who think any writer who actually likes or agrees with an Albanian is one.

First of all why is this article in the Kosova section??? What does Albania have to do with Kosova?

The cost of a vacation isn't as high as in EU. The coastline has been modernized and the hotels are great. For tourist you will always have 24hr electricity, and internet and all the commodities.

Albania is a great place to stay. Once Kosova gets independence (the only way to privatize all ex-yugo stuff) Brezenica will be a great tourist hub, I was just recently at Peja, the Rugovë Mountains (very amazing). I see a potential in Kosovar Tourism.


pre 16 godina

Wow...there's a surprise...Albania supports independence for Kosovo. Albania supports any issue that is a direct opposite to Serbia's position. Why doesn't Albania support the independence of all the non-Albanians in southern Albania ?
(VMRO, 7. August 2007 19:50)

If you are able to fill a stadium of 30-40 thousand seats with them, I as an Albanian will be the first one to support their independence.


pre 16 godina

You are more than WELLCOME!

Marle Thomas
You are an Albanian now,!!!! acording to Peter,GSP and specially "JOVAN" the only people to say good things about the Albanians are Albanians themself.

Anyway I'm going there on the 14th.
Zoran you are invited

"Albanian team" now you can see that the majority of Serbs
do not even want to consider anything Albanian

"ok I better stop comenting"


pre 16 godina

o B-92 STAFF:
Please excercise your anti-defamation policy and censure Cvele, Peter and GSP. They are making the rest of us Serbs look like Neanderthals.
Their comments are only meant to provoke the Albanian posters. I thought that B-92 was supposed to be fair and impartial!
(mARKO M., 7. August 2007 17:49)

hey mARKO,
it´s nice of you, but wouldn´t it be better to ask the other Neanderthal´s to finally condemn the burning of centuries-old cultural heritage, the beating of old serbian women?

they didn´t condemn it even one single time, although I asked them to do so...
but they stayed quiet ( and have shown their level of humanity )

so, the serbian comment-writers are nothing in comparison with those albanian pro-independence fanatics.

please, keep that in mind.


pre 16 godina

@ Jovan,
A greek recommends Albania because he/she realised that same as you they have been poisoned by propaganda when it comes to Albania.
On the other hand they know that only few of you can afford vacations in Greece because you are poor country like the rest of the Balkans.


pre 16 godina

On a recent trip to Corfu on a walking and hiking holiday two from are group decided to go to Albania . They were only interested in having their passport stamped so several of us went. MarIe Thomas, the country is beautiful from a distance but once inside is a different story. Cops with submachine guns are everywhere, smell of diesel almost knocks you over and beggars abound and you know Marle we could not wait to get out. Mind you I have not been impressed with cleanliness of some railway and bus station toilets in some parts of Yugoslavia. Maybe we should have stayed longer and looked for those places that you write about. We did not see them.


pre 16 godina

Yeah i don't I have never heard anyone say "you know i have always wanted to visit albania" :) Sorry it simply does not sounding appealing.Am I a racist because of this No.Like the first fe posts said people are moving out of albania to Kosovo to escape that tells me something.I would rather go to Crna Gora,Corfu or Hrvatska even but NOT albania.


pre 16 godina

Well guess since they cancel the visas for Serbs then i guess that is there choice. Can't make them let Serbs in to visit or to do business. Again there choice. I guess they can go to montenegro or Crotia for vacation. Albania has the right to ban whoever. But don't be surprised if the favor is return.


pre 16 godina

Oh my goodness Im sitting here and pulling my hair about having to cancell my holiday to "wonderfull Albania". Oh well I will now have to choose a second rate holiday destination like maybe the French Riviera.

Thats a shame since I really like serbian women in bikinis. One thing I have to admit they are gorgeous.
(lazer, 7. August 2007 18:40)

Realy now lazer, so how do the Albanian women look like in Bikinis?

Maybe we can get the serbian women in Burqas, you might find that even more appealing


pre 16 godina

I really dont think the first 2 comments were racist.

They were simply mocking the 'open visa' concept
since Albania is a country they'd rather not spend
their hard earned money in. I think most people would rather visit Prague, Greece or Italy.


pre 16 godina

On the other hand they know that only few of you can afford vacations in Greece because you are poor country like the rest of the Balkans.
(Hermon, 7. August 2007 22:51)

After Croatia Serbia has highest GDP in this region Hermon.And for your information hundreds of thousands of Serbs go to Greece every summer.And i will be more then happy to spend my euros there.On the other hand i don't know one single person (Serb or not)who has any wish to visit Albania and its "beautiful" coastline.By the way,you have that "beautiful" coastline,beaches,etc. since 1912,right?Then why are you still the poorest country in Europe ,without electricity almost whole day in 21st century?


pre 16 godina

"Serbian women in Burqas?"
you must be kidding. Never thought of that, I'm gonna have to try.
Walter, in Serbia and all over Former Yugoslavia, all is being sold to foreign or domestic investors with money. Your Milosevic created such a mess, what is the solution?
Didnt he try to sell Trepcha to a Greek consortium of businesmen?
As far as Albania, you probably were in some place on the outskirts of the border line. Its like going across Serbian-Bulgarian border. Have you seen anything different then in Albania?
And Walter, dont worry about me. I am well of and I am watching you from the space station!
And laughing at your remarks.


pre 16 godina

Zoki, Albanian women also look great in bikini's.
If you want I'll send you some photos.

Walter*, lets not brag about investment portfolios. Usually people who have money, DO NOT TALK about money. I dont tink that you are financialy savy. If you know that well, take a look how many foreign companies are buying serbian companies that are in dire straights.
Happen to live in a city where there is a place called WALL STREET and NYSE and NASDAQ and DOW JONES.


pre 16 godina

To Cvele, Jovan, Branko, Peter, GSP, Kate
Don't be so agitated. Nobody invited you in Albania and nobody there is willing to see a branch of Serbs that have unfounded prejudices. I don't wish to believe that you represent the Serb mentality bacause this would mean that Serbia is at dark ages. Somebody here was speaking of Serb businessmen coming to to Albania to make investments. I don't think that this would be the case even in long run, for the simple reason that the Serb business cannot enter the Albanian market because it is not competitive, nor can it exploit the scale economy. In fact, the economoc ties of Albania with the region of Balkans are less 5 per cent of its overall volume and the main countries are Croatia and Macedonia. On the other hand I don't think that the abolition of visas with Serbia will affect much the economy. And Albanians citizens don't bother at all if Serbia will lift the visas for them, even that Serbia will be constrain from EU to take such a move, rather soon. But who cares to come to Serbia.


pre 16 godina

LAZER writes “Albania has a beautiful coast line and a lot of foreign investment is going into the country.” I wouldn’t brag if I were you Lazer. NATO got rid of Milosevic because he was oposed to selling off infrastructure and public property as ordered by the IMF and the World Bank. What Lazer and the public who suports this doesn't understand and what B92 and other media in Belgrade and Tirana is not explaining is that the private operations of public infrastructure, recreational resources and utilities represents the highest tax on the common people you can possibly have because those who purchase this publiuc property will run up the user fees they charge sky high and people like Lazer will not be financially to enter some of the facilities that this investment is building. People like Lazer will be lookiung from the outside in or serving me if I decide to come and enjoy the beaches because my foreign investment portfolio is doing well thank you. Simple law of guns versus butter more guns less butter and vice versa. Foreign investmnt works the same way the more in my stock portfolio the less butter on the Albanian and Serbian table These contracts and the sell off which Lazer calls investment are binding on the whole community and the common peopole have no democratic alternative but to pay and they will pay much more than they would have if they continued as owners.


pre 16 godina

I’d love to go to Albania, although the idea does make me just a little nervous. Their coast is probably an incredibly good investment at this time as well if done in a safe manner.

Many of the Serbs I know started going to Turkey for vacation when Montenegro switched to the Euro.


pre 16 godina

Tani, thank you for your invitation. However I will have to take a rain check. I am stuck in the States because of family problems/work and won't be in the Area (Serbia/Europe) until June 2008, but hopefully sooner, Peace!


pre 16 godina

B92 why do you print chauvinist degrading material about women? You have done this in several recent posts and now you do it again by printing this from lazer. He writes “Zoki, Albanian women also look great in bikini's. If you want I'll send you some photos. Albanian women like Serbian women are someone’s mother’s sisters and daughters and for centuries they have washed the feet of men. There is nothing wrong in saying that women are beautiful since all women are beautiful and just as smart as any man and should be treated with respect. This is the 21st century women are partners with right not sex objects of braggarts. On your web page you show an abused woman and in the blog you allow an attitude of insensitivity towards women in some of the comments. I am surprised that Kate and other women did not object. Attitude like this leads to exploitation of women a very serious problem in Kosovo and elsewhere in the world.

On another note my comments to lazer about Wall Street was not published. Why? Not a single word was offensive or abusive, somewhat sarcastic about his “I am watching you from the space station!” odyssey but he asked for it?


pre 16 godina

sorry that your post was DELETED. I mean it.
When I say that Serbian or Albanian women look great in bikinis is 'cause I mean it!
Balkan has beautiful people, men as well.
Being a man, my interest is towards women, regardless of their ethnicity. I was only giving a compliment to 50% of Serbian population. I have quite a few friends from Serbia, aside politics, they live in the USA and are not inflamed with hatred.
I, surely appriciate B92, for being FAIR and Balanced when it comes to moderating this blog space. Since we are all kinds of people with all kinds of ideas.
Keep up the good work B92.



pre 16 godina

i would like to edit my first post i thought they had banned Serbs from entering but i was enlighten by friend from Kosovo who informed me that no visas are required. So that means that Albanians want Serbs to come visit Albania, easier to get there than Greece you need a visa. Not very expensive, the beaches are a little crowded but not very expensive and not the women on the Beach do not wear burqas and yes they are very good looking and i mean no disrespect either.


pre 16 godina

LAZER: B92 is neither fair nor balanced. Many euphemisms that I use are redacted like hundreds of documents at the Milosevic trial including thousands of words of Wesley Clark. B92 seems to want to inure their blog to their overseas sponsors and Albanian posters. My comments are of political nature since I know that realpolitik of NATO nations, the goal of securing or improving one's own interests caused the demise of Yugoslavia. I have no reason to hate Albanian people. I despise political leaders who lie. You don’t believe in weapons of mass destruction I hope? I have translated many documents for Albanians from Pristina and witnessed many Power of Attorneys free of charge. I met an Albanian grandmother from Pristina whose children are intermarried with Serbs and Serbian Muslims she is 90 years old and sharp as a tack She loves for me to come over and like all the mothers and grandmothers from the Balkans that I met on my travels through Yugoslavia she is hospitable beyond words. We are more alike than you think Lazer.

I choose my friends by their character not their ethnicity. I dislike what some Albanians, Serbs, Serb Muslims and Croats did and continue to do when the world is uniting ,and I am perplexed how some that post here are poorly informed about the Balkan agenda of NATO. Their evidence is meager, unsubstantiated, without any scholarly research and tantamount to a child saying, nah, nah my mother can beat up your father. Just because people have a different point of view does not mean that they are inflamed with hate. Maybe they just do better research than you. I constantly read inflammatory statements from Serbian Albanians but I am sure that they don’t hate me. How the hell can any of them hate me when they don’t even know me?

When I refer to certain groups as “littler Eichmanns” a term used in North America to describe those who know the effect of their government policies that they put into practice and without even a question they do it even though they know it will lead to thousands of innocent people dying. In the post to you I cited several examples where millions of pensioners in America and Canada lost their life savings due to Enron and Barik Gold type market manipulation. I called Wall Street the theft capital of the world or some such thing where insiders control and manipulate the stock market to take money from the ignorant. The unwary investor is made to believe - by a press owned by the very people who are part of the Wall Street scam. This same press used the same tactics in this case yellow journalism to destabilize Yugoslavia and then the same people used the press to demonize the Serbs to justify their fraud.

Since you are in love with Wall Street I thought I would provide a few examples of fraud. Another Hedge Fund Manager Pleads Guilty, $357M Fannie Mae Fund to Be Distributed by SEC, Managers at Mutual Benefits Corp. Pleaded Guilty, Ebbers Conviction Upheld Fraud in the News, Wachovia to pay $25 mln over research conflicts, Lincoln Financial Advisors Stockbroker Fraud, Former CyberCare Executives Fined for SEC violations, Stock Market Manipulation, Micro Cap Fraud, Junk Fax Investment Fraud, International Management Associates Hedge Fund Fraud and NFL Players Scammed By Hedge Fund Fraud just to name a few.

I am not offended by you saying that Albanian and Serbian women are beautiful, what offended me is your comment “If you want I'll send you some photos”. Women are exploited mercilessly throughout the world. Your braggadocio exemplifies this abuse even though you said it to Zoran, I think as a tongue in cheek comment. I read this comment as an innuendo for smut. Whose pictures would you send, a friend a girlfriend or some exploited young woman who shared the pictures with you in a moment of indiscretion not knowing that her privacy would be compromised. I was hoping that you would apologize for this comment not the fact that B92 redacted my post, they need to apologize for that.


pre 16 godina

This is great news!! Now my girlfriend from Belgrade does not need a visa to come and visit me. I am so happy. I love her so much and wish that Serbian Government lift visas for Albanians as well. I think there is much to see and learn in both countries beside women in bikini!!!!!

Hamid Karzai

pre 16 godina

It might seem unimportant at present, but in a near future a lot of Serbs will find it they were wrong. I expect that a lot of Serbs will come for businies opportunities.Albanian market is becaming as big as Serbian market.Italy is much more develloped country and some Italians are coming to Albania for bussinies or vacation.So Serbs will propably do the same.They will be not more wellcomed in Croatia and a lot of them will find Greece expensive,.I don't expect long lines to come here, but surely some will

Hamid Karzai

pre 16 godina

Lifting visa requirement is the right decision that Albanian goverment has made.Serbs will be able to be in the country for short visits,since we are close. This might change any negative immage that unfairly Albanians have in Serbia.They will see that Albania has modernised a lot and might be things to be learn.We hope Serbian goverment will follow the suite.


pre 16 godina

To Shqiptar:
Well I care a lot to go to Serbia. Not only I have my girlfriend there, but I alwas wanted to visit Belgrade. Visiting and enjoying places is the only way to know better the reality and to free ourself from prejudices. Even you are the one to call some of the membres of this forum as "branch of Serbs that have unfounded prejudices" and most propably they are, you are still doing the same in your contribution to the forum. Anyway I really would like to see more serbs in Tirana and more of us going there. I am sure that this is the only way to peace between us because only when you know you will be able to love.

Hamid Karzai

pre 16 godina

There are bussines opportunities beetwen Albania and Serbia.They are major wheat producers in the region and we are big vegetable producers.Serbia has lost its traditional trading markets in Ballkans and they will look for others.It is not that easy to find markets.Once Serbs will come to Albania they will enjoye the veriety Albania has to offer and they will keep coming.For us Albanians is not a big problem going there since we don't prejudice anybody


pre 16 godina

I was in Tirana 2 years ago and spent some quality time there, people were really nice. Most of them told me they would love to visit Belgrade. Yes, I did need a visa back then. But now, this is a very good move by Albanian government, it would be great if Serbs discovered Albanian coast!:) Thumbs up.
