EULEX accuses judge of taking bribes

EULEX has accused Judge Elez Hodzu from the District Court of Priština of taking bribes and he will be put on trial at the beginning of next year.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 26.11.2009.


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EULEX has accused Judge Elez Hodzu from the District Court of Pristina of taking bribes and he will be put on trial at the beginning of next year. An EULEX prosecutor charged Hodzu in August with taking bribe of EUR 123,000 and a Volkswagen vehicle in order to free of charges and release from prison two arrested persons accused of murder. EULEX accuses judge of taking bribes Earlier this month, an EULEX judge confirmed the allegations about Hodzu in the District Court of Prizren, and the main hearing is scheduled for the beginning of 2010.

EULEX accuses judge of taking bribes

Earlier this month, an EULEX judge confirmed the allegations about Hodzu in the District Court of Prizren, and the main hearing is scheduled for the beginning of 2010.

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