Shootout at Kosovo administrative line

One person died in a shootout last night between the checkpoints at Ribarić and Brnjak.

Izvor: FoNet

Thursday, 15.11.2007.


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One person died in a shootout last night between the checkpoints at Ribaric and Brnjak. These checkpoints are situated on administrative boundary between Kosovo and Serbia proper, the Kosovo Police Service confirmed. Shootout at Kosovo administrative line Two cars covered in bullet holes remain at the scene of the skirmish, during which a 23-year old Serb was killed. According to some reports, the incident was a clash between two criminal groups. KFOR and UNMIK have cordoned off the area and approach roads leading to the scene. Serbian police are also participating in the investigation.

Shootout at Kosovo administrative line

Two cars covered in bullet holes remain at the scene of the skirmish, during which a 23-year old Serb was killed. According to some reports, the incident was a clash between two criminal groups.

KFOR and UNMIK have cordoned off the area and approach roads leading to the scene. Serbian police are also participating in the investigation.

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