What if he wins?

Mikhail Kasyanov, who was Russia's prime minister under President Vladimir Putin from 2000 to 2004, told CNN that Putin definitely poses a threat to NATO.

Izvor: index.hr

Friday, 15.04.2022.


What if he wins?

What if he wins?

"Putin actually invented all these explanations that NATO is a threat to Russia. If we go back 20 years, when I was the prime minister, and he had the first presidential term, we see that Russia then had excellent relations with the United States and NATO in general", Kasyanov said.

"At that time, I was dreaming of making Russia a full-fledged member of NATO. Putin never mentioned such a thing directly, but he said that he did not rule out that possibility. Together with NATO, we established a special council - the NATO-Russia Council", he added.

"So, we had established good relations back then. Now we have a different situation and a different Putin. We have former countries that joined NATO, and it takes only 150 kilometers from Estonia to St. Petersburg. So, Ukraine, Sweden or Finland do not represent an additional threat. NATO has never been a real threat to the Russian Federation. It is Putin's fabrication. Expect more aggression if Russia emerges victorious", former Russian Prime Minister said.

According to him, "Putin is definitely a threat to NATO."

"And now we have the front line, Ukraine. If Putin wins, we can expect further aggression. For example, the West lost the battle in Georgia. Three months after the signing of the armistice, the West treated Putin as if nothing had happened, so he realized that he can do whatever he wants. We saw that in 2014, after the annexation of Crimea," concluded a former Putin associate, as reported by Index.hr.

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