Tolstoy's "eviction" from school curriculum: "He glorifies Russian army too much"

After Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy came under attack of the Ukrainian school system.

Izvor: Sputnik

Tuesday, 07.06.2022.



Tolstoy's "eviction" from school curriculum: "He glorifies Russian army too much"

Deputy Minister of Education of Ukraine Andriy Vitrenko stated that the Ministry has finally made a decision to exclude Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" from the school curriculum and all other works in which the Russian army is glorified.

"As for foreign literature, it will completely be eliminated… For example, "War and Peace", and the like, it will not be studied in Ukraine. That is, everything that glorifies the "Orcs Army", everything will disappear from the program," he told TV Ukraine 24. According to him, it has not yet been decided which Russian writers will be evicted from the school curriculum.

MP of the People's Council of the People's Republic of Luhansk, Anna Mosina, said earlier that after checking the schools that came under the control of the People's Republic of Luhansk, it was determined that Russian literature was studied as a foreign language, and verses written by Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov were translated into Ukrainian.

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