Mogherini wants cooperation in face of "agents of chaos"

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has said that the international community must stand united in the fight against terrorism.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 03.12.2015.


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Mogherini wants cooperation in face of "agents of chaos"

Mogherini was addressing the plenary session of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Belgrade on Thursday when she "stressed that all countries must be united in the fight against terrorism and the migrant crisis," Tanjug reported.

Terrorist acts that affected citizens of Paris, Beirut, St. Petersburg are "proof that terrorism can affect any country and nation," Mogherini remarked.

"That's why people have to be united," said the EU official.

Mogherini added that security challenges are now different and that responses must be different as well - "but we have to stick to the principles of cooperation within the European Union and the continent."

"As threats become global, so it becomes important to have cooperation at the global level," said Mogherini.

She told the conference that it is necessary "to end the war in Syria in order to fight against Islamic State" which, on the other hand, requires regional and international trust, and stressed that the recent meeting in Vienna was the right way forward.

According to her, the conflicts in Syria, Libya and elsewhere, along with poverty and lack of economic development, have led to problems not only in the region but also in the European Union, of the kind "not seen for generations."

"The European Union must find mechanisms to resolve these problems, including the migrant crisis, because no country can do it alone," she said.

Mogherini added that refugees and migrants must be helped - "but it is also necessary to solve the original problems that led to the crisis."

Mogherini also said that Europe must deal with criminal organizations that exploit refugees.

Speaking about the situation in Ukraine, she said that the ceasefire there is respected, but that "foreign forces" have not been withdrawn - and that "certain areas that should be under the control of legitimate authorities of Ukraine, are not."

"This brings civilians into a difficult situation, we need to find a solution that will support Ukraine's right to territorial integrity and sovereignty," said Mogherini.

She then added that the EU is "concerned because there is little progress in resolving the conflicts in Georgia and Nagorno Karabakh," and that "all parties must be involved in finding solutions."

Mogherini thanked the Serbian chairmanship of the OSCE, saying that the country worked as the organization's leader "in an outstanding manner."

She urged all countries taking part in the Ministerial Council to cooperate, be constructive in resolving conflicts and in the fight against terrorism, describing divisions as "the agents of chaos" and cooperation as "the most efficient response."

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