Journalist association welcomes government's decision

The Association of Journalists of Serbia has welcomed the government's decision to broaden the competence of a commission investigating murders of journalists.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 03.08.2018.


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Journalist association welcomes government's decision

The Association (UNS) also supports the government's decision to select new members of the Commission representing the War Crimes Prosecutor's Office and the War Crimes Service of the Serbian Ministry of Interior because these institutions have capacities and documentation that can significantly influence shedding light on the crimes committed against journalists in Kosovo and Metohija, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, a press release said on Friday.

UNS believes that finding the murderers and kidnappers of journalists and bringing them to justice is of paramount importance to families, as well as for the fight against the impunity for the murder of journalists who in all, including war conditions, do work of public importance.

UNS points out that key progress in the investigation into the murder of Slavko Curuvija came thanks to the long-standing persistence of journalists and Curuvija's family, and above thanks to the establishment of the Commission.

UNS also said it was particularly pleased with the Serbian government's decision to include the War Crimes Prosecutor's Office in working on the cases of murders and abductions of journalists, instead of spending years dealing, with no results, with the politically motivated report submitted by NUNS (Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia) that accused journalists of preparing and organizing war crimes and genocide.

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