Former general moved to prison with Al-Qaeda members

Former Bosnian Serb Army (VRS) General Radislav Krstić has been transferred to another prison in Britain, said reports.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 02.06.2010.


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Former Bosnian Serb Army (VRS) General Radislav Krstic has been transferred to another prison in Britain, said reports. Krstic, who was beaten up and narrowly survived the torture by three Muslim inmates in Wakefield Prison in early May is now detained along with a number of people suspected of terrorism, including Osama Bin Laden's right-hand man, the Daily Star newspaper said. Former general moved to prison with Al-Qaeda members Krstic's lawyer, Tomislav Visnjic, told Tanjug that his defendant was transferred to another prison in Britain, but refused to disclose the name of the institution for safety reasons. In a statement for Tanjug, Visnjic said that he has been informed that The Hague-based war crimes tribunal was closely following the situation concerning Krstic, after the reports by the British press about his transfer. Visnjic failed to be more specific about the steps the Hague could take. According to the newspaper, General Krstic, 62, was permanently transferred to Long Lartin Prison, also known as “terror headquarters”, since Abu Qatada, who is believed to be Al-Qaeda's right-hand man in Europe, is serving his sentence there. Krstic is held in a secure area at the category A jail, according to this report. Krstic was sentenced by the Hague Tribunal to 35 years in prison for involvement in the 1995 Srebrenica genocide.

Former general moved to prison with Al-Qaeda members

Krstić's lawyer, Tomislav Višnjić, told Tanjug that his defendant was transferred to another prison in Britain, but refused to disclose the name of the institution for safety reasons.

In a statement for Tanjug, Višnjić said that he has been informed that The Hague-based war crimes tribunal was closely following the situation concerning Krstić, after the reports by the British press about his transfer.

Višnjić failed to be more specific about the steps the Hague could take.

According to the newspaper, General Krstić, 62, was permanently transferred to Long Lartin Prison, also known as “terror headquarters”, since Abu Qatada, who is believed to be Al-Qaeda's right-hand man in Europe, is serving his sentence there.

Krstić is held in a secure area at the category A jail, according to this report.

Krstić was sentenced by the Hague Tribunal to 35 years in prison for involvement in the 1995 Srebrenica genocide.

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