Slovenia decides to build fence on border with Croatia

Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar has announced the decision to build a fence along his country's border with Croatia.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 10.11.2015.


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(Beta/AP, file)

Slovenia decides to build fence on border with Croatia

Cerar said on Tuesday the Slovenian government will in the coming days "introduce technical measures of protection" of the Schengen border, i.e., the border with Croatia.

According to him, the border between the two countries will not be closed.

The Slovenian government justified the decision by announcing that increased numbers of refugees and migrants are expected on the so-called Balkan route moving via Greece, along with the possibility that Germany and Austria "may reduce their intake."

According a statement, with this and the coming winter and Slovenia's limited capacities to provide adequate shelter in mind, the government prepared "additional urgent measures to control migration influx."

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