Kosovo to submit demand for UN membership

Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu said that Kosovo would submit a request for becoming a United Nations member-state in 2011.

Izvor: Beta

Saturday, 24.07.2010.


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Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu said that Kosovo would submit a request for becoming a United Nations member-state in 2011. “We will need new recognitions, but I want to believe that we will be able to present new arguments next year for our demand for UN membership,” Sejdiu said, according to media in Pristina. Kosovo to submit demand for UN membership Pristina media stated that Kosovo expects new recognitions after the International Court of Justice ruled that its unilateral independence proclamation does not violate international law. The declaration adopted by the Kosovo assembly on Friday states that the parliament expects new recognitions and that it supports the European Union's call for dialogue to begin with Serbia regarding technical questions. “The ICJ has opened the road for new recognitions of the Republic of Kosovo and the decision has also opened Kosovo’s road towards regional and Euro-Atlantic integrations,” the assembly declaration stated, adding that it “supports the call of the EU for the start of dialogue regarding practical questions between Kosovo and Serbia, but excludes all possibilities of negotiations regarding Kosovo’s status.” The declaration states that Pristina “is convinced that the historical decision of the ICJ would contribute to peace and stability in Kosovo and the region.”

Kosovo to submit demand for UN membership

Priština media stated that Kosovo expects new recognitions after the International Court of Justice ruled that its unilateral independence proclamation does not violate international law.

The declaration adopted by the Kosovo assembly on Friday states that the parliament expects new recognitions and that it supports the European Union's call for dialogue to begin with Serbia regarding technical questions.

“The ICJ has opened the road for new recognitions of the Republic of Kosovo and the decision has also opened Kosovo’s road towards regional and Euro-Atlantic integrations,” the assembly declaration stated, adding that it “supports the call of the EU for the start of dialogue regarding practical questions between Kosovo and Serbia, but excludes all possibilities of negotiations regarding Kosovo’s status.”

The declaration states that Priština “is convinced that the historical decision of the ICJ would contribute to peace and stability in Kosovo and the region.”

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