Priština paper: Ischinger was misinterpreted

Koha Ditore reported Wednesday Wolfgang Ischinger told Fatmir Sejdiu The Independent misinterpreted his words.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 19.09.2007.


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Koha Ditore reported Wednesday Wolfgang Ischinger told Fatmir Sejdiu The Independent misinterpreted his words. Ischinger, the EU envoy in the ongoing Kosovo talks, has contacted the province's president by phone, the Albanian language daily says, "in order to deny the Tuesday assessment of the British daily Independent that the international community was giving up on its support for Kosovo independence." Pristina paper: Ischinger was misinterpreted The daily adds that Ischinger told Sejdiu the British newspaper had "misinterpreted his words and had thereupon brought a wrong conclusion." However, the report today does not bring into question the authenticity of the diplomat's quoted remarks. Among other things, Ischinger was quoted as saying that it was time to get away from "labels" in order to achieve a "realistic" solution for Kosovo. "The label is worth nothing. Where are they going to get their income from? They would continue to rely on foreign aid," he said, speaking of the province. “I would leave open independence. I would rather talk about a strong supervised status,” Ischinger said in the controversial interview.

Priština paper: Ischinger was misinterpreted

The daily adds that Ischinger told Sejdiu the British newspaper had "misinterpreted his words and had thereupon brought a wrong conclusion."

However, the report today does not bring into question the authenticity of the diplomat's quoted remarks.

Among other things, Ischinger was quoted as saying that it was time to get away from "labels" in order to achieve a "realistic" solution for Kosovo.

"The label is worth nothing. Where are they going to get their income from? They would continue to rely on foreign aid," he said, speaking of the province.

“I would leave open independence. I would rather talk about a strong supervised status,” Ischinger said in the controversial interview.

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