"Islamic communities unification plan falls through"

The Serbian authorities refused to sign an agreement detailing the reconciliation of the two Islamic communities in Serbia, writes a Belgrade-based newspaper.

Izvor: Blic

Tuesday, 01.11.2011.


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The Serbian authorities refused to sign an agreement detailing the reconciliation of the two Islamic communities in Serbia, writes a Belgrade-based newspaper. The Blic daily says that the plan was brought to Serbia last week by the Turkish foreign minister. "Islamic communities unification plan falls through" But the country's top officials, continues the article, "found it unacceptable". The newspaper's report, based on unofficial information, further states that "the main problem stemmed from the agreement's provision to have as many as five out of six new mufti seats led by men close to Muamer Zukorlic". Zukorlic heads the Islamic Community in Serbia, while the rival Islamic Community of Serbia, led by Adem Zilkic, would have control of only one such center, according to the report. "If it was signed in this form, the agreement would accomplish nothing except definitively eliminating the Islamic Community of Serbia, seated in Belgrade. President Tadic and Minister Jeremic naturally could not stand behind that," said the daily's source from top government circles. Muamer Zukorlic (file)

"Islamic communities unification plan falls through"

But the country's top officials, continues the article, "found it unacceptable".

The newspaper's report, based on unofficial information, further states that "the main problem stemmed from the agreement's provision to have as many as five out of six new mufti seats led by men close to Muamer Zukorlić".

Zukorlić heads the Islamic Community in Serbia, while the rival Islamic Community of Serbia, led by Adem Zilkić, would have control of only one such center, according to the report.

"If it was signed in this form, the agreement would accomplish nothing except definitively eliminating the Islamic Community of Serbia, seated in Belgrade. President Tadić and Minister Jeremić naturally could not stand behind that," said the daily's source from top government circles.

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