Kosovo: 14 Serbs accused of committing war crimes

The Basic Court of Pec has issued an indictment against 14 Serbs from Klina, northwestern Kosovo, charging them with committing war crimes in Kosovo in 1999.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 15.02.2016.


Kosovo: 14 Serbs accused of committing war crimes

Kosovo: 14 Serbs accused of committing war crimes

Kosovska Mitrovica-based Radio Kontakt Plus reported that the suspects were Serbs from the region of Pec.

The court in Pec made the decision in cooperation with Kosovo's Special Prosecution Office, and the crime the suspect Serbs are charged with are punishable by a number of years in prison.

The arrest warrant seen by the radio station said that "a number of indictees are located outside Kosovo, according to operative police knowledge, while the pace of residence of others is not knowns."

Lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic told Tanjug that the Special Prosecution Office, which had jurisdiction over war crimes, was handling a great number of cases in which Serbs are prosecuted for war crimes and the case from Pec "confirms it."

Pantovic said the court qualified as war crimes the acts allegedly committed based on Article 152 of the Kosovo Criminal Code that came into effect in 2013.

"War crimes can only be committed during a war and these have been committed in 1999 and here only the SRJ (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) Criminal Code can be applied, not the Kosovo one, which is much more restrictive," he has been quoted as saying, and adding:

"I'm not surprised by this, there's also the 'Djakovica group' of 15 persons with warrants out for them - a period of time is coming when we will be facing a small avalanche of such criminal proceedings."

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