Properties seized from “Šarić Clan” members

State Secretary in the Justice Ministry Slobodan Homen said that property has been seized from six persons associated with drug boss Darko Šarić.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 16.05.2010.


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State Secretary in the Justice Ministry Slobodan Homen said that property has been seized from six persons associated with drug boss Darko Saric. Saric is suspected in Serbia of organizing the smuggling of 2.2 tons of cocaine, among other crimes. Properties seized from “Saric Clan” members An Interpol warrant is out for his arrest. Homen said that three family homes and an apartment in Novi Sad have been seized from Dubravka and Radovan Strpac, and two apartments from Josip Saric. The Serbian organized crime prosecution filed indictments against 20 members of the Saric-led Serbo-Montenegrin drug group. He also said that the investigative judge has given permission for the auctioning off of some of the property seized from Saric earlier. Homen said that experts are analyzing the value of the properties, adding that the auction will be held by mid-June at the latest. He also said that if the items are not sold, the law states that they must be donated for humanitarian purposes, or used in the best possible way. Homen added that some of the seized property will also be used to help the socially endangered, through financing the work of soup kitchens and other institutions that help Serbia’s poorest citizens. Slobodan Homen (B92)

Properties seized from “Šarić Clan” members

An Interpol warrant is out for his arrest.

Homen said that three family homes and an apartment in Novi Sad have been seized from Dubravka and Radovan Štrpac, and two apartments from Josip Šarić.

The Serbian organized crime prosecution filed indictments against 20 members of the Šarić-led Serbo-Montenegrin drug group.

He also said that the investigative judge has given permission for the auctioning off of some of the property seized from Šarić earlier.

Homen said that experts are analyzing the value of the properties, adding that the auction will be held by mid-June at the latest.

He also said that if the items are not sold, the law states that they must be donated for humanitarian purposes, or used in the best possible way.

Homen added that some of the seized property will also be used to help the socially endangered, through financing the work of soup kitchens and other institutions that help Serbia’s poorest citizens.

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