EU to consider proposal to curb Russian propaganda in Serbia

The EU will look at proposals for curbing "the increasingly aggressive efforts of foreign factors to spread disinformation, propaganda and disbelief in the EU."

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 27.10.2017.


EU to consider proposal to curb Russian propaganda in Serbia
(Tanjug/AP, file)

EU to consider proposal to curb Russian propaganda in Serbia

The EU foreign ministers will consider these proposals based on a recent letter sent eight EU members.

The EU officials said that this should be the subject of an EU foreign ministers' meeting devoted to the Union's foreign, security and defense policy in mid-November, while Russia is seen as the main source of the propaganda.

When asked what the EU saw as Russia's stepped up propaganda in Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans and Serbia, the response of sources in Brussels was that this was being mainly noticed in the area of the media but also in statements by domestic and foreign officials.

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