Fresh clashes break out in Ukrainian capital

Protesters in Kiev early on Thursday pushed the police back Independence Square,although President Viktor Yanukovych declared a truce last night.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 20.02.2014.


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Fresh clashes break out in Ukrainian capital

The BBC said that five lost their lives today.

There were about 3,000 protesters at the square itself earlier on Thursday, which was calm, but groups of protesters reached the Ukrainian parliament, which was evacuated.

The fact that today is a day of mourning in honor of the 28 victims of violent demonstrations over the past 48 hours did not prevent new clashes, and this morning a group of protesters began throwing Molotov cocktails at police cordons, who responded with tear gas.

Officials said that the police was shot at by snipers from rooftops, and the opposition said it received information that some protesters were hit.

"Demonstrators are openly using firearms against the special forces," the interior ministry said.

Itar-Tass reported that a toxic agent was used in Kiev.

"There is evidence that a toxic agent was used against the police. Measures have been taken to find out what the substance was," confirmed the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs spokesman Sergei Burlakov.

EU foreign ministers will on Thursday hold an emergency meeting in Brussels to decide on what measures will be taken, and whether to impose sanctions against Ukraine.

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