Promise: "We will leave NATO"

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen promised to withdraw that country from the North Atlantic Alliance.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 13.04.2022.



Promise: "We will leave NATO"

"If I am elected president of France, I will pull France out of NATO," she said.

Le Pen said that the decision refers only to the military alliance, and that France will remain a member of the European Union.

"That (exiting the EU) is not my goal. At the same time, I want the evolution of that European structure," she said.

Le Pen emphasized that she would not transfer French troops to the combined command of the Alliance, nor would she be available to the future European command, RIA Novosti reports. According to her, France will not succumb to the American protectorate. She added that she supports the idea of rapprochement with Russia.

"When the war in Ukraine ends and peace is established, I will advocate for the strategic rapprochement between NATO and Russia. That is in the interest of both Europe and the United States," she said.

She also said that she did not want France to leave the European Union and added that she would respect the Paris Agreement on climate change, Reuters reported.

The first round of presidential elections in France was held on April 10.

Incumbent President Emmanuel Macron won 27.84 percent of the vote, and Marine Le Pen 23.15 percent. The second round of elections is scheduled for April 24.

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