Serbians held by Libyan rebels transported to Zintan

Five Serbian citizens who were taken prisoner by Libyan rebels were transported to the town of Zintan on Tuesday, 150 km from Tripoli, "for security reasons".

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 30.08.2011.


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Five Serbian citizens who were taken prisoner by Libyan rebels were transported to the town of Zintan on Tuesday, 150 km from Tripoli, "for security reasons". This is according to the information given to the Serbian embassy in Tripoli. Serbians held by Libyan rebels transported to Zintan The new authorities in Libya have expressed willingness to cooperate and indicated a possibility for embassy officials to visit the five prisoners in the coming days. The Serbian Foreign Ministry has stated that it contacted the families of the men to collect as much information as possible regarding their stay in Libya. The ministry used its offices in New York, Paris, Berlin and London to contact the Libyan embassies there and get legal protection for the prisoners. The Serbian embassy in Geneva got in touch with the International Red Cross and stated the same request. Red Cross officials confirmed that the request would be delivered immediately to their office in Tripoli, according to the Foreign Ministry statement. (

Serbians held by Libyan rebels transported to Zintan

The new authorities in Libya have expressed willingness to cooperate and indicated a possibility for embassy officials to visit the five prisoners in the coming days.

The Serbian Foreign Ministry has stated that it contacted the families of the men to collect as much information as possible regarding their stay in Libya.

The ministry used its offices in New York, Paris, Berlin and London to contact the Libyan embassies there and get legal protection for the prisoners.

The Serbian embassy in Geneva got in touch with the International Red Cross and stated the same request. Red Cross officials confirmed that the request would be delivered immediately to their office in Tripoli, according to the Foreign Ministry statement.

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