Tesla's relatives died in Croat death camp, documents show

World-renowned Holocaust and Auschwitz expert Dr. Gideon Greif has handed over to filmmaker Emir Kusturica documentation about Jasenovac.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 18.12.2018.


Tesla's relatives died in Croat death camp, documents show
Emir Kusturica (Tanjug, file)

Tesla's relatives died in Croat death camp, documents show

The documents that Greif has presented to Kustirica, among other things, provide details of the terrible fate of the relatives of (Serbian-American scientist and inventor) Nikola Tesla, and those of Theodor Herzl, who perished in Jasenovac, writes Belgrade daily Politika.

The reason for providing the documents in question to Kusturica is his new project - a feature film about Jasenovac, a camp where about 700,000 Serbs, Jews, Roma and anti-fascists in the NDH lost their lives, the newspaper said.

In addition to Greif, this film project will also gather experts for other fields such as military operations, and experiencing and surviving torture.

These experts will come from Portugal, Israel, and Canada, and possibly from some other countries, the daily continued.

The documentation presented by Greif to Kusturica is a treatise of sorts, on which experts on various issues have worked.

Greif recently published his book "Jasenovac - the Auschwitz of the Balkans - the Ustasha Empire of Cruelty," printed in Serbian, Hebrew, and English.

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