Temperature swing causes flooding

Snow that is rapidly melting has caused a flooding of the Jadar River in Loznica, western Serbia.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 23.12.2009.


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Snow that is rapidly melting has caused a flooding of the Jadar River in Loznica, western Serbia. Some farm lands in the region are under water currently. Temperature swing causes flooding Danijela Despotovic, a Hydro-Meteorological Service of Serbia in Loznica official, said that the temperature was plus 19 degrees Celsius in the town this morning. Only two days ago, the temperature dropped to as low as minus 16, while the snow cover that was 38 centimeters then, was five centimeters this morning. Loznica Deputy Mayor Petar Ekmescic confirmed that the river has risen and caused flooding in areas in and around Loznica. He said that there has only been minor flooding thus far, and only on farms and fields, and the situation is being followed closely to see whether the water levels will continue to rise. All necessary measures will be taken to protect the citizens and their property if flooding becomes widespread in the region, Ekmescic said. He is also the commander of the Loznica Civil Defense headquarters.

Temperature swing causes flooding

Danijela Despotović, a Hydro-Meteorological Service of Serbia in Loznica official, said that the temperature was plus 19 degrees Celsius in the town this morning.

Only two days ago, the temperature dropped to as low as minus 16, while the snow cover that was 38 centimeters then, was five centimeters this morning.

Loznica Deputy Mayor Petar Ekmeščić confirmed that the river has risen and caused flooding in areas in and around Loznica.

He said that there has only been minor flooding thus far, and only on farms and fields, and the situation is being followed closely to see whether the water levels will continue to rise.

All necessary measures will be taken to protect the citizens and their property if flooding becomes widespread in the region, Ekmeščić said. He is also the commander of the Loznica Civil Defense headquarters.

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