Bosnia: Killing of soldiers treated as act of terrorism

Enes Omeragic late on Wednesday in Sarajevo killed two soldiers of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Armed Forces before committing suicide in his home.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 19.11.2015.


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Bosnia: Killing of soldiers treated as act of terrorism

This has been confirmed for the N1 broadcaster by Bosnia's Security Minister Dragan Mektic. According to unconfirmed information, the man killed himself by detonating explosives.

Earlier in the day, Omeragic shot and killed two soldiers - a Bosniak (Muslim) and a Serb - in a betting parlor in Sarajevo's Rajlovac neighborhood, and then shot at a city bus, wounding another soldier, and also injuring lightly two more persons.

The incident is investigated as an act of terrorism, the Office of the State Prosecution of Bosnia-Herzegovina announced on Thursday morning, Tanjug reported.

Omeragic was a member of the radical Muslim Salafi movement, according to local media.

The public broadcaster of Bosnia's Muslim-Croat Federation (FBiH) entity reported that the attacker shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he entered the betting parlor.

Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency chair Denis Zvizdic said on Thursday that the army had raised its level of readiness in all locations after the incident in Sarajevo.

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