"All textbooks in Montenegrin from 2009"

Montenegrin Education Minister Sreten Škuletić says that from next year all school books will be printed in Montenegrin.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 30.12.2008.


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Montenegrin Education Minister Sreten Skuletic says that from next year all school books will be printed in Montenegrin. Skuletic told his last press conference of the year that the new Montenegrin language orthography, dictionaries and grammar books will be ready by February. "All textbooks in Montenegrin from 2009" The minister said that all schools in Montenegro had entered the education reform process, the results of which will be judged, it is reported, on the basis of “national testing“ of schoolchildren, whose results are expected in the first few months of next year.

"All textbooks in Montenegrin from 2009"

The minister said that all schools in Montenegro had entered the education reform process, the results of which will be judged, it is reported, on the basis of “national testing“ of schoolchildren, whose results are expected in the first few months of next year.

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