Ex-Bosnian Muslim army general released

Former general of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Army Jovan Divjak was released Friday, after the Austrian court rejected Serbia's request for his extradition.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 29.07.2011.


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Former general of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Army Jovan Divjak was released Friday, after the Austrian court rejected Serbia's request for his extradition. The Austrian court said the Serbian judiciary would not give the suspect a fair trial. Ex-Bosnian Muslim army general released Divjak was arrested on March 3 at the Vienna airport on a warrant issued by Serbia, which accused him of war crimes related to his involvement in the Dobrovoljacka St. massacre. In early May 1992, a convoy of retreating Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) troops was ambushed there, with dozens of soldiers and officers killed. Both Serbia and Bosnia requested the extradition of Divjak, who was arrested in Austria but was released on half a million euro bail. He could not leave Austria until the court reaches a decision regarding his extradition. Jovan Divjak (Midhar Poturovic, RFE/RL, file)

Ex-Bosnian Muslim army general released

Divjak was arrested on March 3 at the Vienna airport on a warrant issued by Serbia, which accused him of war crimes related to his involvement in the Dobrovoljačka St. massacre.

In early May 1992, a convoy of retreating Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) troops was ambushed there, with dozens of soldiers and officers killed.

Both Serbia and Bosnia requested the extradition of Divjak, who was arrested in Austria but was released on half a million euro bail.

He could not leave Austria until the court reaches a decision regarding his extradition.

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