PM expects opening of EU negotiations chapters

The Western Balkans Summit in Vienna is an important event for Serbia, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 27.08.2015.


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PM expects opening of EU negotiations chapters

"This is important for us not just so that we could promote regional stability but we are also implementing political and economic obligations," Vucic told reporters in Vienna and added that more tangible meetings would be organized, primarily concerning economic progress and development of infrastructure.

"It is of key importance for Serbia to launch tangible projects and take over as much responsibility as is possible," the prime minister said and added that Serbia is facing intense talks.

Vucic also conferred with EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn concerning the talks with Pristina, migrant crisis and Western Balkan Summit due to begin on Vienna.

According to the Serbian government, Vucic informed Hahn about the situation Serbia is facing with regard to the high inflow of migrants and the EU assistance and support to Serbia the aim of which is for a major part of the asylum seekers to be adequately accommodated.

The prime minister informed the commissioner about the infrastructural projects which the Serbian delegation would present in Vienna on Wednesday and added that he expects tangible support to the projects because their realization would make room for economic prosperity of the entire region.

Hahn "expressed satisfaction and congratulated the prime minister on the agreements achieved by the Serbian and Pristina delegations in Brussels on Tuesday."


The European Union (EU) will reiterate their strong support for the Western Balkans at the Western Balkans Summit 2015, which is taking place in Vienna on Thursday, the European Commission (EC) said in a release on Wednesday.

High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, Vice-President for Energy Union Maros Sefcovic and Commissioner for the European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn will represent the EU at the summit, hosted by Austrian Federal Chancellor Werner Faymann, the EC said.

"The Summit will build on the progress made since the Berlin Summit in August last year, and will seek to further develop the co-operation between the 6 Western Balkans countries in dealing with their common challenges, notably migration - one of the main topics of the Summit, which also include regional cooperation and religious dialogue and anti-extremism," said the release.

The summit will include parallel sessions for the heads of governments, ministers of foreign affairs and ministers of economy.

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