Russian, Belarus, Serbian soldiers in "Slavic Brotherhood"

The joint Russia-Belarus-Serbia anti-terrorist exercise Slavic Brotherhood 2017 has started at Brestsky Ranges in Belarus.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 06.06.2017.


Russian, Belarus, Serbian soldiers in
A file photo from the Slavic Brotherhood 2016 drills (

Russian, Belarus, Serbian soldiers in "Slavic Brotherhood"

"A multinational battalion task group has been formed for the first time in the history of the Slavic Brotherhood joint drills, consisting of Russian, Belarus and Serbian servicemen, that will conduct counter-terrorist exercises as part of a peace-keeping operation," said Russian Colonel Aleksei Sgibnev.

According to him, the united task group indicates that the three countries have achieved a closer cooperation "and are preparing to fight together the greatest evil of our time - international terrorism."

"A Russian officer became the commander of the 1st company, a Serbian officer, the commander of the 2nd company, and Belarus officers, commanders of the 3rd and 4th companies," the officer explained.

Russian Il-76MD military strategic airlifters and Belarus planes and helicopters are taking part in the exercise, TASS said.

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