Nikolić party to be called "Serb Progressive"

Tomislav Nikolić says that that he is forming a new political party – the Serb Progressive Party (SNS).

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 24.09.2008.


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Tomislav Nikolic says that that he is forming a new political party – the Serb Progressive Party (SNS). Nikolic, who recently resigned as the deputy leader of the Serb Radical Party (SRS), and is now heading a group of breakaway MPs in parliament, made the announcement today in Belgrade. Nikolic party to be called "Serb Progressive" He told journalists that the new party will be a part of the opposition, but that it will not have political enemies, rather only opponents on the Serbian political scene. He also said that the SNS will be "a bridge between East and West, with the goal to, in the future, form a union with the Republic of Srpska". Earlier this month Nikolic parted company with the SRS over disagreements with leader Vojislav Seselj, who is undergoing trial at the Hague Tribunal. Nikolic was effectively at the helm of the Radicals for the past five years. Tomislav Nikolic (FoNet, archive)

Nikolić party to be called "Serb Progressive"

He told journalists that the new party will be a part of the opposition, but that it will not have political enemies, rather only opponents on the Serbian political scene.

He also said that the SNS will be "a bridge between East and West, with the goal to, in the future, form a union with the Republic of Srpska".

Earlier this month Nikolić parted company with the SRS over disagreements with leader Vojislav Šešelj, who is undergoing trial at the Hague Tribunal.

Nikolić was effectively at the helm of the Radicals for the past five years.

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