Visa-free travel becomes reality

As of midnight last night, Serbian citizens with biometric passports can travel throughout the EU Schengen area without visas.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 19.12.2009.


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As of midnight last night, Serbian citizens with biometric passports can travel throughout the EU Schengen area without visas. To celebrate the occasion, the government organized and paid for 50 citizens to take a trip around Europe. Their plane took off at midnight last night. Visa-free travel becomes reality The 50 were selected through the “Europe for Everyone” project because they all showed exceptional leadership skills and hard work in helping their communities. Among the passengers there are humanitarian workers, students who have had excellent showings in international competitions, firefighters and doctors who have saved people's lives. “In several minutes we will prove to Serbian citizens that traveling to Europe without visas is a reality,” Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic said at the airport on Friday night. He said that the 50 Serbian citizens will be greeted by friends and officials of the EU institutions in Brussels. During the seven-day trip, they will be visiting Brussels, Rome, Berlin and Paris. In attendance at the airport last night, to send the 50 citizens off, were officials of the French, Italian and Germany embassies, who wished the citizens a safe trip and exciting time traveling through Europe. (Tanjug)

Visa-free travel becomes reality

The 50 were selected through the “Europe for Everyone” project because they all showed exceptional leadership skills and hard work in helping their communities.

Among the passengers there are humanitarian workers, students who have had excellent showings in international competitions, firefighters and doctors who have saved people's lives.

“In several minutes we will prove to Serbian citizens that traveling to Europe without visas is a reality,” Deputy Prime Minister Božidar Đelić said at the airport on Friday night.

He said that the 50 Serbian citizens will be greeted by friends and officials of the EU institutions in Brussels. During the seven-day trip, they will be visiting Brussels, Rome, Berlin and Paris.

In attendance at the airport last night, to send the 50 citizens off, were officials of the French, Italian and Germany embassies, who wished the citizens a safe trip and exciting time traveling through Europe.

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Drama na nebu, hitno podignuti borbeni avioni

Ruski vojni avion juče je nakratko narušio vazdušni prostor Švedske istočno od baltičkog ostrva Gotland, nakon čega su ga presreli švedski borbeni avioni, saopštile su danas oružane snage te nordijske zemlje.



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