Decision on EU candidacy bid "soon"

The decision on a date for Serbia's application for EU membership could be made by late May.

Izvor: Danas

Monday, 11.05.2009.


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The decision on a date for Serbia's application for EU membership could be made by late May. But, Belgrade is being advised to wait until it becomes a candidate first, Belgrade daily Danas writes. Decision on EU candidacy bid "soon" According to the daily, citing sources close to the government, a meeting of the Council for European Integrations will be held by the end of the month and according to announcements by Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic, there will be discussion of the best time for applying for EU membership. The head of the European Commission’s delegation in Serbia, Josep Lloveras, said that Serbia needs to wait for the right moment for dialogue to be initiated between Belgrade and Brussels. He added that there is a lot that needs to be done, but that Serbia has made clear steps forward, especially in adopting the package of laws important for European integration. Tim Hitchens, the director of European political affairs in the British Foreign Office, said on the same subject that it would be better for Belgrade to focus on the association process instead of “speculating on a date for various transitional phases”. The members of the European Integration Council whom Danas spoke to almost unanimously said that Belgrade should wait for the unblocking of the Stabilization and Association Agreement before applying, which is to say that Serbia should wait until Brussels gives an indication that the right moment had arrived.

Decision on EU candidacy bid "soon"

According to the daily, citing sources close to the government, a meeting of the Council for European Integrations will be held by the end of the month and according to announcements by Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic, there will be discussion of the best time for applying for EU membership.

The head of the European Commission’s delegation in Serbia, Josep Lloveras, said that Serbia needs to wait for the right moment for dialogue to be initiated between Belgrade and Brussels.

He added that there is a lot that needs to be done, but that Serbia has made clear steps forward, especially in adopting the package of laws important for European integration.

Tim Hitchens, the director of European political affairs in the British Foreign Office, said on the same subject that it would be better for Belgrade to focus on the association process instead of “speculating on a date for various transitional phases”.

The members of the European Integration Council whom Danas spoke to almost unanimously said that Belgrade should wait for the unblocking of the Stabilization and Association Agreement before applying, which is to say that Serbia should wait until Brussels gives an indication that the right moment had arrived.

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Ruski vojni avion juče je nakratko narušio vazdušni prostor Švedske istočno od baltičkog ostrva Gotland, nakon čega su ga presreli švedski borbeni avioni, saopštile su danas oružane snage te nordijske zemlje.



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