Power cuts could be introduced, IM warns

If electricity consumption continues at this rate power cuts cannot be ruled out, Serbian Emergency Situations Headquarters Chief and IM Ivica Dačić has warned.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 10.02.2012.


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If electricity consumption continues at this rate power cuts cannot be ruled out, Serbian Emergency Situations Headquarters Chief and IM Ivica Dacic has warned. He said that measures such as turning off lighting that serves for decoration and advertising and curtailing supply to companies that are not of vital interest had given some results but that it was not enough to improve the situation if the citizens did not save electricity themselves. Power cuts could be introduced, IM warns Lights in most of the state institutions were out last night but the electricity consumption has once again exceeded its maximum due to increased consumption in households. Bearing in mind that some countries, such as Bulgaria, have stopped exporting electricity, Serbia will not be able to import electric power, Serbia's state-run power company EPS has warned. Dacic has urged the citizens to rationally use the electricity. “Turning off a single light bulb that is not necessary means a lot for the entire power system,” he explained. Serbia’s President Boris Tadic on Thursday called on citizens to save electricity. Ivica Dacic (Tanjug, file) B92

Power cuts could be introduced, IM warns

Lights in most of the state institutions were out last night but the electricity consumption has once again exceeded its maximum due to increased consumption in households.

Bearing in mind that some countries, such as Bulgaria, have stopped exporting electricity, Serbia will not be able to import electric power, Serbia's state-run power company EPS has warned.

Dačić has urged the citizens to rationally use the electricity.

“Turning off a single light bulb that is not necessary means a lot for the entire power system,” he explained.

Serbia’s President Boris Tadić on Thursday called on citizens to save electricity.

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