Kosovo Albanian attacks cameraman in Brussels

A cameraman with the Tanjug news was assaulted on Monday as he was covering a demonstration staged in Brussels by a group of Kosovo Albanians.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 09.02.2015.


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Kosovo Albanian attacks cameraman in Brussels

The attack happened when a Tanjug crew approached the group of some 30 Albanians from Kosovo, asking if anyone was willing to make a statement explaining why they were protesting.

In response to this, one of the demonstrators, unprovoked, struck cameraman Marko Tosic in the face, cutting his lip.

The assailant was then subdued by other participants in the protest, while the Belgian police observed the incident, and advised the news agency's reporters to leave the scene, telling the cameraman to "file a complaint against the attacker, if he wishes."

Tanjug quoted a police inspector as saying they were "not used to such things in Brussels."

The demonstrators carried Albanian flags and messages reading, among others, "Hands off Trepca," "Enough with Serb hegemony," and "Our rights are not negotiable."

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