Opposition SNS official’s car stoned in northern town

The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) has stated that SNS Vrbas municipal councilor Viktor Besermeni’s car was stoned last night.

Izvor: Beta

Sunday, 01.04.2012.


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The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) has stated that SNS Vrbas municipal councilor Viktor Besermeni’s car was stoned last night. A back window was broken with a brick and a dashboard was destroyed, police have determined. Opposition SNS official’s car stoned in northern town “The SNS demands from the competent organs to as soon as possible identify the perpetrators of the vandalism. The SNS wants to believe that the act has nothing to do with the fact that the municipal councilor is of Rusyn ethnicity,” the party said in a release. The SNS has strongly condemned the incident and expressed deep regret over the fact that “the parties in Vrbas are not ready to run a fair and correct campaign”. Beta

Opposition SNS official’s car stoned in northern town

“The SNS demands from the competent organs to as soon as possible identify the perpetrators of the vandalism. The SNS wants to believe that the act has nothing to do with the fact that the municipal councilor is of Rusyn ethnicity,” the party said in a release.

The SNS has strongly condemned the incident and expressed deep regret over the fact that “the parties in Vrbas are not ready to run a fair and correct campaign”.

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