Financial arrangement and compromise found

An agreement for membership in international financial organisations has been reached between Serbia and Montenegro.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 29.06.2006.


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Financial arrangement and compromise found

Unofficially, B92 learned that Serbia will refund 33 million dollars to Montenegro.

The Finance Ministers said yesterday that the agreement made, works in the best interest of both states.

Lukšić said that the agreement sends a message to the international institutions that Serbia and Montenegro were able to regulate all questions in a very mature manner.

“Considering that we were looking at everything as a question of property, we were trying to make sure that Serbia would refund to us the amount that is needed for regulating Montenegro’s obligations.” Lukšić said, adding that after all of the assessments were made, it was revealed that Serbia and Montenegro owe practically nothing to the international banks and institutions.

According to the agreement, which will be verified some time in July by both Government’s, Serbia maintains membership in the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Bank for Restoration and Development and the European Council’s Development Bank.

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