"Albright company withdraws bid for PTK"

Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s company has withdrawn from a tender for the privatization of Post and Telecom of Kosovo (PTK).

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 27.12.2012.


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PRISTINA Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s company has withdrawn from a tender for the privatization of Post and Telecom of Kosovo (PTK). This is according to Pristina-based Albanian language daily Zeri. "Albright company withdraws bid for PTK" According to the daily’s sources, Albright Capital Management LLC has decided to withdraw its bid after it assessed that the investment would not be lucrative. However, the U.S. company has not confirmed that it has officially withdrawn from the tender. On the other hand, Kosovo’s Economic Development Ministry officials said that they so far had no indication that any company had withdrawn from the process. They said, however, that this could happen by December 15, 2013 when the companies that qualified to participate in the tender are supposed to submit their financial offers for the purchase of the telecommunications company. Clinton-era Special Envoy to the Balkans James W. Pardew has been lobbying for another company which is interested in buying the Kosovo telecommunications company. Pristina media have reported that Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci is facing a “difficult choice” because both Albright and Pardew “are popular in Kosovo”. The New York Times reported earlier this month that Albright's company was the main bidder for the purchase of PTK. Madeleine Albright (file) Beta

"Albright company withdraws bid for PTK"

According to the daily’s sources, Albright Capital Management LLC has decided to withdraw its bid after it assessed that the investment would not be lucrative.

However, the U.S. company has not confirmed that it has officially withdrawn from the tender.

On the other hand, Kosovo’s Economic Development Ministry officials said that they so far had no indication that any company had withdrawn from the process.

They said, however, that this could happen by December 15, 2013 when the companies that qualified to participate in the tender are supposed to submit their financial offers for the purchase of the telecommunications company.

Clinton-era Special Envoy to the Balkans James W. Pardew has been lobbying for another company which is interested in buying the Kosovo telecommunications company. Priština media have reported that Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci is facing a “difficult choice” because both Albright and Pardew “are popular in Kosovo”.

The New York Times reported earlier this month that Albright's company was the main bidder for the purchase of PTK.

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