Mali announced the date of construction of the Belgrade subway

Finance Minister Siniša Mali attended today's signing of the Contractual Agreement for the Infrastructure Construction Project for metro depot in Makiško polje.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 03.11.2021.


Mali announced the date of construction of the Belgrade subway

Mali announced the date of construction of the Belgrade subway

"By signing today's contract, we will formally start the construction of the first line of the subway, on November 22, you will see a large number of workers and machines, and we will start realizing the project that generations before us dreamed of," said Minister Mali.
Minister emphasized that this dream means a better future, as well as that the Belgrade metro is a symbol of success and a strong Serbia. Slowly, the city of Belgrade is increasingly turning to the rail traffic system, he estimated.

"The signing of the contract for the construction of the depot will be in February 2022, followed by the signing of the contract for the construction of access roads - in March. In July we expect a contract for the construction of stations and tunnels, and in November works on the construction of the depot in Makisko polje will commence. The construction of roads await us in May 2023, and the construction of stations in September, while the construction of the tunnel is planned for December", the minister specified.

As for the TBM machine, which will break through the tunnels, it has been under construction for 13 months.

"Exactly because of that, in December 2023, we will start building tunnels and stations," said Mali.

The procurement of trains and the start of tests are scheduled for February 2026, he added. According to him, the completion of the first metro line and commissioning is planned for 2028.

"The first line in itself does not mean much. We need synergy with the second line. That is why we signed with the company Egis for the construction of the second line of the subway, and that project is already under construction," said Mali.

The second line will be completed in 2030.

"It will be a system that should contribute to better and more efficient traffic and give a better picture of our capital, and even our country," he said.

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As he pointed out, in parallel with the construction of the subway, work will be done on the expansion of the BG train and the tram network.

"This would not have been possible if we had not provided financial means. You have heard from various people how the subway should have been built 10, 15 years ago, but there was no money then. The Serbian government provided the money to build both subway lines. In times of the greatest crisis, we proved that we have money and know how to use it. We made a promise when we built Belgrade Waterfront - we fulfilled it. We made a promise regarding the highway Milos Veliki - we fulfilled it. This will be the case with high-speed railways in March. It will be the same with the metro", Mali pointed out, thanking President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, for everything he did to make the implementation of this project possible.

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